The 'wave-breaking' method is used by the advocates of corruption to bring about degradation in society and is achieved through following a gradual approach. They do not ask the society to become immoral all at once and they cannot achieve it if they demanded it. Rather, they follow a gradual approach in spreading their corruption until they finally attain their goals. They do not object to lowering their heads a little until the wave peacefully passes and then they reappear with a more daring attitude, and so on for a third and fourth time.
·Imposing the status quo policy and embarrassing the society as well as its responsible bodies:
For example:
-Departments for unnecessary scientific studies are established and they graduate thousands of women. Then they demand securing them job opportunities after long years of study and effort. Undoubtedly, this touches people's material needs and therefore, they avenge for it.
-Departments for unsuitable studies are initiated, such as drama studies. They graduate many students who later demand suitable jobs.
-People may be surprised by employment and educational plans which remain unknown until they are actually implemented.
-Sometimes, departments for higher studies are established and there are only men to supervise Masters and PhD degrees. They do so despite their former knowledge that the subject needs participation and attendance in laboratories.
Sorrowfully, I mention seeking knowledge and learning as part of the enemies' plans and plotting. But what can we do when the enemies have used this door as a gate to achieve their goals?
Seeking knowledge is one of the best deeds in Islam, and only the ignorant and the arrogant deny this. All the texts which encourage seeking knowledge in the Quran and theSunnah)Prophetic tradition( include both men and women. Allaah The Exalted Says )what means(:}Say, "Are those who know equal to those who do not know?" Only they will remember ]who are[ people of understanding.{]Quran 39: 9[ During the lifetime of the Prophet,sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, women asked him to specify a day in order to teach them. Therefore, among them there were knowledgeable women, such ‘Aa’ishah, may Allaah be pleased with her, about whom Ibn ‘Abd-ul-Barr, may Allaah have mercy on him, said,"She was a unique scholar in her time in three branches of knowledge: Fiqh )Islamic jurisprudence(, medicine and poetry."It is enough to know that Ibn Sa‘d mentioned more than six hundred women who narrated from the Messenger of Allaah,sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, and many men also narrated on their authority. They were amazing in the way they were so truthful and trustworthy; Ath-Thahabi said,''I do not know that the scholars of Hadeeth )narrations( criticized or abandoned any of the female narrators."]Mizaan Al-I‘tidaal[
It is enoughas evidence that there were many female narrators that Al-Haafith Ibn ‘Asaakir, may Allaah have mercy on him, narrated on the authority of eighty something women although he traveled neither to Egypt nor to the Maghrib countries.
The enemies exploited these Islamic texts and made men and women equal in terms of curricula and educational stages. This had an impact until we witnessed those who established a section for studying feminine drama arts in the department of media in some of our faculties of arts.
There is a certain extent of knowledge where men and women are equal which is the obligatory knowledge to correct one's creed, worship and behavior. However, women must have special curricula that befit their role in life just as men have.
Where are the curricula which teach our daughters the rights of woman in Islam and refute malicious allegations?
Where are the curricula which elaborate on the tasks of wifehood and motherhood?
Where are the curricula which deepen the relation between the woman and her home and give it the sound perception, not that of the enemies?
Where are the curricula which explain how the woman deals with her children psychologically and physically? She must study how to deal with them as well as types of diseases which afflict them and kinds of treatment.
Where are the curricula which teach the woman how to protect her children’s bodies and give them the correct nutrition?
The woman needs to study everything that helps her to regulate her home, and prepare it in a beautiful and organized manner. Where are the curricula which serve this goal?
The woman is an instructor and an educator. Where are the curricula which serve this goal by planting in her love of reading and knowledge?
I do not say that these matters are completely ignored; rather, I say that they were not suitably addressed. Women's curricula are like man's except in exceptional cases which are insignificant in terms of rulings.
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