Some people claim thatHijaab)Islamic covering( was introduced after
the advent of Islam and that it did not exist in Arabia or outside of
it before the call of Prophet Muhammad,sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam.
Anyone who reads the Old Testament and the New Testament easily
recognizes that theHijaabwas known among the Hebrews since the time of
Ibraaheem )Abraham(, may Allaah exalt his mention, throughout the eras
of their Prophets, until after the advent of Christianity. There is
repeated reference to theHijaabin many books of the Old and New
·The Book of Genesis, ]24:64, 65[ says:"Rebekah also looked up and saw
Isaac. She got down from her camel and asked the servant, "Who is that
man in the field coming to meet us?" "He is my master," the servant
answered. So she took her veil and covered herself."
·The fifth song of the Songs of Solomon, a woman says:"Tell me, you
whom I love, where you graze your flock and where you rest your sheep
at midday.Why should I be like a veiled woman beside the flocks of
your friends?"
·The Book of Isaiah ]3:16-24[ says:
16 The LORD says, "The women of Zion are haughty, walking along with
outstretched necks, flirting with their eyes, tripping along with
mincing steps, with ornaments jingling on their ankles.
17 Therefore the Lord will bring sores on the heads of the women of
Zion; the Lord will make their scalps bald."
18 In that day the Lord will snatch away their finery: the bangles and
headbands and crescent necklaces,
19 The earrings, the bracelets and veils,
20 The head dresses and ankle chains and sashes, the perfume bottles and charms,
21 The signet rings and nose rings,
22 The fine robes and the capes and cloaks, the purses
23 And mirrors, and the linen garments and tiaras and shawls.
24 Instead of fragrance there will be a stench; instead of a sash, a
rope; instead of well dressed hair, baldness; instead of fine
clothing, sackcloth: instead of beauty, branding.
25 Your men will fall by the sword, your warriors in battle.
·The Book of Genesis says: "Then said Judah to Tamar his daughter in
law, Remain a widow at thy father's house, till Shelah my son be
grown: for he said, Lest peradventure he die also, as his brethren
did. And Tamar went and dwelt in her father's houseand she put her
widow's garments off from her, and covered her with a veil, and
wrapped herself…"
·In the First Epistle to the Corinthians, Paul the Apostle says that
the veil honors women. Christian women used to veil their faces when
meeting strangers and take it off when they were in their homes
wearing mourning clothes.
Therefore, religious scriptures of the Jews and Christians )which
preceded the noble Quran( mention the veil and headdresses.
The Romans used to enact laws that forbade women two hundred years
before Jesus, may Allaah exalt his mention, not to appear with their
adornment on roads.Lex Oppiawas a law that forbade women to exaggerate
in adornment even inside their houses.
Concerning the pre-Islamic era, the reports of Arab women adhering
toHijaabare just as numerous as reports of women unveiling. In fact,
the violation of women's concealment was the reason behind the second
day of the first war ofFijaar. Some young men from Quraysh and Banu
Kinaanah saw a beautiful woman from Banu 'Aamir in the 'Ukaath Market.
They asked her to unveil her face, but she refused. Therefore, one of
them humiliated her and she sought help from her people. Pre-Islamic
poetry frequently refers to theHijaabof Arab women.
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Islam is a religion of Mercy, Peace and Blessing. Its teachings emphasize kind hear tedness, help, sympathy, forgiveness, sacrifice, love and care.Qur’an, the Shari’ah and the life of our beloved Prophet (SAW) mirrors this attribute, and it should be reflected in the conduct of a Momin.Islam appreciates those who are kind to their fellow being,and dislikes them who are hard hearted, curt, and hypocrite.Recall that historical moment, when Prophet (SAW) entered Makkah as a conqueror. There was before him a multitude of surrendered enemies, former oppressors and persecutors, who had evicted the Muslims from their homes, deprived them of their belongings, humiliated and intimidated Prophet (SAW) hatched schemes for his murder and tortured and killed his companions. But Prophet (SAW) displayed his usual magnanimity, generosity, and kind heartedness by forgiving all of them and declaring general amnesty...Subhanallah. May Allah help us tailor our life according to the teachings of Islam. (Aameen)./-
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Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Women Site, - Hijaab - Hijaab . . . modesty, liberation, protection
In the ongoing battle between truth and falsehood, theHijaabhas taken
center stage. It has always been a sensitive issue, but it has
received a great deal of attention due to legislation and proposed
legislation in several European countries )e.g., France, Germany( that
ban its use in government institutions. For women who wear Hijaab out
of religious conviction, the truth is obvious and indisputable. For
others with limited knowledge or understanding of Hijaab, it can be
Historical background
As a preliminary, it is important to understand several points related
to Hijaab and modesty. The first point is that modesty had been the
norm in history, up until the later part of the past century. If one
were to peruse historical books of various times and ages, one would
find modest covering of women to one degree or another. The other
point is that modesty is a component in several world religions,
particularly Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Many people are
surprised to realize that modesty and Hijaab were not introduced by
Islam. This injunction existed in the laws of religions revealed
before Islam, and remnants can still be found in the altered books of
those faiths. With the final message given to Prophet
Muhammad,sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, the order for Hijaab was
confirmed and finalized.
This is the reality since all of those revelations came from the same
Source, Allaah. Mary, mother of Jesus, may Allaah exalt their mention,
is rarely depicted without a traditional headcovering and one would
assume her to be Muslim )which, of course, she was(. One can still
find both Jewish and Christian women today who cover in much the same
way as Muslim women. It is one of the common bonds that are shared by
these three major faiths.
Functions of Hijaab
To truly understand the marvelous nature of Hijaab, it is essential to
review its functions. Of course, a Muslim does not need justification
for Allaah's commandments and willingly submits without question, but
Hijaab is an aspect of the religion that has a rationale that fits
perfectly with the logic of humans.
More than a religious symbol
The definition of a symbol is "a sign; something that stands for or
suggests something else by reason of relationship, association,
convention, or accidental resemblance; a visible sign of something
invisible." Of course, Hijaab is a symbol since it represents a
woman's submission to her Creator and her connection with the religion
of Islam. Allaah Almighty mentions this in the Quran when referring to
Hijaab ––"That is more suitable that they will be known..."This means
that a woman will be known to be a Muslim. But, while Hijaab is a
symbol, it is in reality much, much more than that. The following
purposes and functions of Hijaab will clarify this point.
Command and test from Allaah
Although often overlooked, it cannot be forgotten that Hijaab is a
test for the Muslim woman. Will she submit to her Lord or Creator, or
will she follow her own desires? It is clear from Quran and Hadeeths
that Hijaab is a religious obligation. There is no scholarly
difference on this point and the Muslim Ummah has applied it for 14
centuries )and beyond(. When a Muslim woman wears Hijaab she is
obeying and submitting to Allaah. To tell her to take it off would be
the same as telling her not to pray her obligatory prayers. When she
chooses not to wear Hijaab, she is disobeying her Lord and brings upon
herself the possibility of punishment for her transgression. This
matter cannot be taken lightly since it is included amongst the major
sins in Islam. Unfortunately, one will find Muslim women who argue
that Hijaab is not obligatory and that the text of the Quran on the
matter is not clear. This is an even graver error since one is denying
the verses of the Quran and distorting them to fit personal whims.
The following verses of the Holy Quran refer to the obligatory nature of Hijaab:
}And tell the believing women to reduce ]some[ of their vision and
guard their private parts and not expose their adornment except that
which ]necessarily[ appears thereof and to wrap ]a portion of[ their
headcovers over their chests and not expose their adornment except to
their husbands, their fathers, their
}O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the
believers to bring down over themselves ]part[ of their outer
garments. That is more suitable that they will be known and not be
abused. And ever is Allaah Forgiving and Merciful.{]Quran 33:59[
Preservation of modesty
As mentioned previously, one of the main purposes of Hijaab is to hide
or conceal the beauty of a woman and to preserve her modesty. Modesty
can be defined as reserve or propriety in dress, conduct, and speech
as well as freedom from conceit and vanity.
Related concepts would be simplicity, moderation, and chastity. These
are considered as noble virtues that are encouraged by religious and
value systems around the world. Each person has a certain degree of
comfort in relation to dress, and a Muslim woman's more extensive
covering should be no less validated. Asking a Muslim woman to remove
her head- scarf would be similar to asking a non-Muslim woman to
remove her blouse. The Muslim woman would feel just as violated. Her
strong sense of modesty would cause her to feel ashamed to leave the
home without her complete covering. An interesting question to ask is
"Why is a nun respected for her modest dress, but a Muslim woman with
Hijaab is viewed as oppressed?"
Elevation of status
A woman who covers herself informs those around her that she is more
than her body and looks. She has a mind, she has a heart, she has a
personality, she has faith. It is through this process that her status
is elevated. She has dignity, honor, and decency, and she expects to
be treated as such. She refuses to be used as a toy merely for her
beauty and the pleasures of men. Women have much more to offer than
physical attractiveness, and the Hijaab in Islam guarantees that she
is seen for more than that. Contrary to popular opinion, the status of
women is Islam is elevated beyond that found in any other social
system. Spiritually, she has the same obligations and rewards as men;
socially, she is valued and honored as a mother, sister, daughter,
wife, and contributor to society; economically, she has ownership,
independence and decision making ability unparalleled before Islam.
The Hijaab is one component in a comprehensive system that places
women on a pedestal of respect and high esteem.
The Hijaab is not a symbol of female oppression or inequality. On the
contrary, it is an instrument of liberation. A woman who wears Hijaab
liberates herself from the vain and selfish desire to show off her
beauty and to compete with other women around her. This is an innate
desire that is exacerbated by wanton display and tamed by modesty and
covering. With the Hijaab, a woman does not have to live up to
society's expectations of what is desirable, and she no longer has to
use her beauty to obtain recognition or acceptance from those around
As much as women are prone to the temptation of vanity, the nature of
man makes him more tempted by seeing this. Hijaab also liberates man
from his natural desire to gaze at and enjoy the attractiveness of
women. It assists in freeing him from the lower desires that can be
debasing. With Hijaab, the concern of both women and men is no longer
superficiality and this, in turn, frees them to address higher motives
and goals such as spirituality and inner beauty.
Security and protection
In the chapter of Al-Ahzaab mentioned above, Allaah Almighty Says what
means"That is more suitable that they will be known and not be
abused."Thus, one of the functions of Hijaab is to protect women from
abuse and harm. This particularly includes various forms of sexual
abuse and harassment, which are prevalent in societies in which few
women cover. Men often get mixed signals and believe that women want
their advances by the way they reveal their bodies. The Hijaab, on the
contrary, sends a signal to men that the wearer is a modest and chaste
woman who should not be annoyed.
People often argue that this sort of reasoning places blame on the
victim, the woman herself. It is important to understand that the
intention is not to take the responsibility away from the offender,
but rather to highlight the reciprocal nature of Hijaab. Men and women
must work together for the protection of themselves, each other, and
society. Along with women, men also have a degree of modesty,
including most importantly lowering of the gaze and protecting of the
private parts )see Quran verses above(. On account of the difference
between men and women in nature and physical makeup, a greater amount
of covering is required for women than for men. Both men and women,
however, are instructed first to lower their gaze in the presence of
the opposite gender before being told to cover. Again, this emphasizes
their mutual responsibility in this regard. But, it must be recognized
that uncovering of women does play some roll in increased incidence of
abuse and harassment in society.
Safeguarding of society
When a woman exposes herself she is likely to be doing it for selfish
motives )i.e., showing off her body, to gain attention(. A devout
woman covers herself for the benefit of herself and also for the
society Imagine, if you will, a society in which all of the women
covered... Now imagine a completely different picture in which all of
the women exposed themselves, wearing very little. What is different
about those two societies? In which society would there be less evils
and temptations?
"And tell the believing women to lower their gaze, and protect their
private parts. . . "The believing woman protects her private parts
from not being seen and from immoral actions )fornication(. This is
one of the most serious aspects of modesty and Hijaab due to its
implications. Fornication is a poison that destroys individuals,
families, and societies. One only needs to look at societies in which
fornication is prevalent to understand this point. Diseases )e. g.,
AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases( are spread rampantly, divorce
increases, people become pre occupied with lower desires. Fornication
is amongst the greater sins in Islam for these reasons. A woman who
covers safeguards herself and, in turn, the society from this evil.
Islam is a religion of prevention and, as such, prescriptions are in
place to preclude people from falling into the traps of Satan. Hijaab,
lowering the gaze, limited mixing of men and women are all
preventative tools against fornication. When humans adhere to these
prescriptions, life becomes wholesome and strong families are built
necessities for a healthy social order.
With all of these benefits one begins to wonder why a woman would
choose not to wear Hijaab?
Reasons for Hijaab ban )and the Islamic response(
One of the main reasons for the Hijaab ban in a country such as France
is a concept known as secularism. Secularism is a system in which
government functions with little or no connections to religion or
religious institutions. Religion does not dictate political decisions
or thinking. As a philosophy, secularism is the belief that life can
best be lived with little or no reference to God or gods. In secular
societies, people do not assume religious beliefs to be widely shared
and over time religion becomes less important in their lives. The
obvious danger of this philosophy is that it encourages atheism and
agnosticism. There is an emphasis on rationalism and a denigration of
religions and religious teachings.
France is a pure secular states as noted in the first sentence of its
constitution )1905( "France is an indivisible and secular Republic…"
In relation to the Hijaab, the President of France, Jacques Chirac, is
quoted as stating, "What is at stake is supporting the principle of
secularism, which is one of the pillars of our Republic." Jean-Pierre
Raffarin, the Prime Minister of France, has stated, "Secularism in
France is a fundamental value, particularly in France's foremost
Republican sanctuary, her schools, where every young person is
learning about citizenship, universality, and where he or she must
benefit from the principles of equality and liberty, the neutrality of
public service." Seventy percent of French people support the Hijaab
ban. This is also one of the main reasons that Hijaab is banned in the
secular countries of Turkey and Tunisia.
Islam is a threat to these governments since it is quite the opposite
of secularism. Islam is not only a religion, but a deen, a way of
life. As a way of life, it is comprehensive, covering virtually every
aspect. A Muslim is not able to separate religion from the rest of
life for the deen is the life. A true practicing Muslim breathes,
walks, and lives Islam, even down to the smallest details. Upon rising
in the morning, she remembers Allaah. She immediately washes for pray
and completes the fajr prayer. She eats with his right hand during
meals. During social interactions she follows Islamic etiquette.
Hijaab is a part of this way of life and as such it cannot be altered
or removed. The religion of Islam pervades both private and public
life. These cannot be separated and one cannot say that she i1l be
religious in private life but not public life. An individual takes her
deen to public life when she wears Hijaab. She takes her religion to
public life when she refuses to shake hands with males. The religion
comes into play during social interactions, economic transactions, and
political decisions. A Muslim can never live a "secular" life.
Unfortunately, this is what nations are forcing Muslims to do, even in
so-called Islamic countries. But, Allaah has guaranteed to preserve
the religion and to reward those who work for His cause in its
Equality of genders/ emancipation of women
The second reason given for the Hijaab ban is reflected in the
following quote by Jacques Chirac —"Regardless of their origins and
their convictions, French men and women have the same rights, the same
duties, and they have a right to the same respect and the same
opportunities." The goal of these societies is to make men and women
totally equal or the same; exactly identical in rights, duties, and
opportunities. It is somehow strange to think that by removing Hijaab
men and women will somehow become magically equal in status. These
people also assume that women who wear Hijaab are oppressed,
subjugated and in need of liberation. They seem to think that Muslim
women want to be liberated and to be told to remove the Hijaab. It is
as if they are doing a favor for the Muslim woman.
From an Islamic perspective, it is important to realize that although
men and women are similar in many ways )i.e., spiritual(, Allaah
Almighty has created specific rights and responsibilities for each
gender in certain realms of life. He has not only done that, but He
has also created each gender uniquely to best fulfill the duties that
have been assigned to each. Science, in fact, has affirmed these
concepts. This does not imply the superiority of one gender over the
other since both roles are honorable and operate in a complementary
manner. They are both essential for effective functioning of the
society. One may ask the question, "If Allaah Almighty had intended
for men and women to be equal or the same, would it be necessary to
have two genders?"
A Muslim woman does not need the "freedom" that is being offered, for
the she is already liberated. Her liberation comes through submission
to her Lord and Creator. The Hijaab liberates her from the focus on
worldly and lower desires and elevates her into the domain of
spirituality and nearness to Allaah. The "liberation" they promise is
only subjugation deceptively shrouded in the cloak of goodness. There
can never be liberation in disobedience to Allaah.
Protection from force of parents
Although secular countries proclaim to support freedom of religion and
speech, these can easily be compromised in defense of the secular
philosophy. The following quote highlights this fact: "The European
Court in Stasbourg protects secularism when it is a fundamental value
of the State. It allows limits to the freedom of expression in public
services, especially when it is a matter of protecting minors against
external pressures." In these societies, everything is upside down,
even to the point of giving minors rights above their parents. In
essence, what they are doing is taking control from parents and giving
it to the state. So, it is no longer parents who are telling their
children to wear Hijaab, but it is the state telling them to take it
off. There is still no freedom, only a different force. This is not
much different from saying that you have come to liberate a country,
only to occupy it yourself.
In Islam, the rights of parents are sacred and honored. Allaah
commands the believers to obey and respect their parents and this is
often placed next to submission and obedience to Allaah in importance.
They are attempting to tear down this fundamental aspect of the deen
and the culture, but this cannot be allowed. From an Islamic
perspective, parents can force their daughter to wear Hijaab since
this is a religious obligation. They are only requiring her to do what
is best for her, her family, and her society. This is really no
different than enforcing a curfew or placing limitations on friends or
outings. In reality, it is more essential since the benefits are
immense. It is important to note that girls are not obligated to wear
Hijaab until puberty, but they should be taught about the essentials
of Hijaab from an early age. If they are properly taught the beauty
and meaning of Hijaab, they will willingly make their own choice to
don it when the time is right.
center stage. It has always been a sensitive issue, but it has
received a great deal of attention due to legislation and proposed
legislation in several European countries )e.g., France, Germany( that
ban its use in government institutions. For women who wear Hijaab out
of religious conviction, the truth is obvious and indisputable. For
others with limited knowledge or understanding of Hijaab, it can be
Historical background
As a preliminary, it is important to understand several points related
to Hijaab and modesty. The first point is that modesty had been the
norm in history, up until the later part of the past century. If one
were to peruse historical books of various times and ages, one would
find modest covering of women to one degree or another. The other
point is that modesty is a component in several world religions,
particularly Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Many people are
surprised to realize that modesty and Hijaab were not introduced by
Islam. This injunction existed in the laws of religions revealed
before Islam, and remnants can still be found in the altered books of
those faiths. With the final message given to Prophet
Muhammad,sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, the order for Hijaab was
confirmed and finalized.
This is the reality since all of those revelations came from the same
Source, Allaah. Mary, mother of Jesus, may Allaah exalt their mention,
is rarely depicted without a traditional headcovering and one would
assume her to be Muslim )which, of course, she was(. One can still
find both Jewish and Christian women today who cover in much the same
way as Muslim women. It is one of the common bonds that are shared by
these three major faiths.
Functions of Hijaab
To truly understand the marvelous nature of Hijaab, it is essential to
review its functions. Of course, a Muslim does not need justification
for Allaah's commandments and willingly submits without question, but
Hijaab is an aspect of the religion that has a rationale that fits
perfectly with the logic of humans.
More than a religious symbol
The definition of a symbol is "a sign; something that stands for or
suggests something else by reason of relationship, association,
convention, or accidental resemblance; a visible sign of something
invisible." Of course, Hijaab is a symbol since it represents a
woman's submission to her Creator and her connection with the religion
of Islam. Allaah Almighty mentions this in the Quran when referring to
Hijaab ––"That is more suitable that they will be known..."This means
that a woman will be known to be a Muslim. But, while Hijaab is a
symbol, it is in reality much, much more than that. The following
purposes and functions of Hijaab will clarify this point.
Command and test from Allaah
Although often overlooked, it cannot be forgotten that Hijaab is a
test for the Muslim woman. Will she submit to her Lord or Creator, or
will she follow her own desires? It is clear from Quran and Hadeeths
that Hijaab is a religious obligation. There is no scholarly
difference on this point and the Muslim Ummah has applied it for 14
centuries )and beyond(. When a Muslim woman wears Hijaab she is
obeying and submitting to Allaah. To tell her to take it off would be
the same as telling her not to pray her obligatory prayers. When she
chooses not to wear Hijaab, she is disobeying her Lord and brings upon
herself the possibility of punishment for her transgression. This
matter cannot be taken lightly since it is included amongst the major
sins in Islam. Unfortunately, one will find Muslim women who argue
that Hijaab is not obligatory and that the text of the Quran on the
matter is not clear. This is an even graver error since one is denying
the verses of the Quran and distorting them to fit personal whims.
The following verses of the Holy Quran refer to the obligatory nature of Hijaab:
}And tell the believing women to reduce ]some[ of their vision and
guard their private parts and not expose their adornment except that
which ]necessarily[ appears thereof and to wrap ]a portion of[ their
headcovers over their chests and not expose their adornment except to
their husbands, their fathers, their
}O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the
believers to bring down over themselves ]part[ of their outer
garments. That is more suitable that they will be known and not be
abused. And ever is Allaah Forgiving and Merciful.{]Quran 33:59[
Preservation of modesty
As mentioned previously, one of the main purposes of Hijaab is to hide
or conceal the beauty of a woman and to preserve her modesty. Modesty
can be defined as reserve or propriety in dress, conduct, and speech
as well as freedom from conceit and vanity.
Related concepts would be simplicity, moderation, and chastity. These
are considered as noble virtues that are encouraged by religious and
value systems around the world. Each person has a certain degree of
comfort in relation to dress, and a Muslim woman's more extensive
covering should be no less validated. Asking a Muslim woman to remove
her head- scarf would be similar to asking a non-Muslim woman to
remove her blouse. The Muslim woman would feel just as violated. Her
strong sense of modesty would cause her to feel ashamed to leave the
home without her complete covering. An interesting question to ask is
"Why is a nun respected for her modest dress, but a Muslim woman with
Hijaab is viewed as oppressed?"
Elevation of status
A woman who covers herself informs those around her that she is more
than her body and looks. She has a mind, she has a heart, she has a
personality, she has faith. It is through this process that her status
is elevated. She has dignity, honor, and decency, and she expects to
be treated as such. She refuses to be used as a toy merely for her
beauty and the pleasures of men. Women have much more to offer than
physical attractiveness, and the Hijaab in Islam guarantees that she
is seen for more than that. Contrary to popular opinion, the status of
women is Islam is elevated beyond that found in any other social
system. Spiritually, she has the same obligations and rewards as men;
socially, she is valued and honored as a mother, sister, daughter,
wife, and contributor to society; economically, she has ownership,
independence and decision making ability unparalleled before Islam.
The Hijaab is one component in a comprehensive system that places
women on a pedestal of respect and high esteem.
The Hijaab is not a symbol of female oppression or inequality. On the
contrary, it is an instrument of liberation. A woman who wears Hijaab
liberates herself from the vain and selfish desire to show off her
beauty and to compete with other women around her. This is an innate
desire that is exacerbated by wanton display and tamed by modesty and
covering. With the Hijaab, a woman does not have to live up to
society's expectations of what is desirable, and she no longer has to
use her beauty to obtain recognition or acceptance from those around
As much as women are prone to the temptation of vanity, the nature of
man makes him more tempted by seeing this. Hijaab also liberates man
from his natural desire to gaze at and enjoy the attractiveness of
women. It assists in freeing him from the lower desires that can be
debasing. With Hijaab, the concern of both women and men is no longer
superficiality and this, in turn, frees them to address higher motives
and goals such as spirituality and inner beauty.
Security and protection
In the chapter of Al-Ahzaab mentioned above, Allaah Almighty Says what
means"That is more suitable that they will be known and not be
abused."Thus, one of the functions of Hijaab is to protect women from
abuse and harm. This particularly includes various forms of sexual
abuse and harassment, which are prevalent in societies in which few
women cover. Men often get mixed signals and believe that women want
their advances by the way they reveal their bodies. The Hijaab, on the
contrary, sends a signal to men that the wearer is a modest and chaste
woman who should not be annoyed.
People often argue that this sort of reasoning places blame on the
victim, the woman herself. It is important to understand that the
intention is not to take the responsibility away from the offender,
but rather to highlight the reciprocal nature of Hijaab. Men and women
must work together for the protection of themselves, each other, and
society. Along with women, men also have a degree of modesty,
including most importantly lowering of the gaze and protecting of the
private parts )see Quran verses above(. On account of the difference
between men and women in nature and physical makeup, a greater amount
of covering is required for women than for men. Both men and women,
however, are instructed first to lower their gaze in the presence of
the opposite gender before being told to cover. Again, this emphasizes
their mutual responsibility in this regard. But, it must be recognized
that uncovering of women does play some roll in increased incidence of
abuse and harassment in society.
Safeguarding of society
When a woman exposes herself she is likely to be doing it for selfish
motives )i.e., showing off her body, to gain attention(. A devout
woman covers herself for the benefit of herself and also for the
society Imagine, if you will, a society in which all of the women
covered... Now imagine a completely different picture in which all of
the women exposed themselves, wearing very little. What is different
about those two societies? In which society would there be less evils
and temptations?
"And tell the believing women to lower their gaze, and protect their
private parts. . . "The believing woman protects her private parts
from not being seen and from immoral actions )fornication(. This is
one of the most serious aspects of modesty and Hijaab due to its
implications. Fornication is a poison that destroys individuals,
families, and societies. One only needs to look at societies in which
fornication is prevalent to understand this point. Diseases )e. g.,
AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases( are spread rampantly, divorce
increases, people become pre occupied with lower desires. Fornication
is amongst the greater sins in Islam for these reasons. A woman who
covers safeguards herself and, in turn, the society from this evil.
Islam is a religion of prevention and, as such, prescriptions are in
place to preclude people from falling into the traps of Satan. Hijaab,
lowering the gaze, limited mixing of men and women are all
preventative tools against fornication. When humans adhere to these
prescriptions, life becomes wholesome and strong families are built
necessities for a healthy social order.
With all of these benefits one begins to wonder why a woman would
choose not to wear Hijaab?
Reasons for Hijaab ban )and the Islamic response(
One of the main reasons for the Hijaab ban in a country such as France
is a concept known as secularism. Secularism is a system in which
government functions with little or no connections to religion or
religious institutions. Religion does not dictate political decisions
or thinking. As a philosophy, secularism is the belief that life can
best be lived with little or no reference to God or gods. In secular
societies, people do not assume religious beliefs to be widely shared
and over time religion becomes less important in their lives. The
obvious danger of this philosophy is that it encourages atheism and
agnosticism. There is an emphasis on rationalism and a denigration of
religions and religious teachings.
France is a pure secular states as noted in the first sentence of its
constitution )1905( "France is an indivisible and secular Republic…"
In relation to the Hijaab, the President of France, Jacques Chirac, is
quoted as stating, "What is at stake is supporting the principle of
secularism, which is one of the pillars of our Republic." Jean-Pierre
Raffarin, the Prime Minister of France, has stated, "Secularism in
France is a fundamental value, particularly in France's foremost
Republican sanctuary, her schools, where every young person is
learning about citizenship, universality, and where he or she must
benefit from the principles of equality and liberty, the neutrality of
public service." Seventy percent of French people support the Hijaab
ban. This is also one of the main reasons that Hijaab is banned in the
secular countries of Turkey and Tunisia.
Islam is a threat to these governments since it is quite the opposite
of secularism. Islam is not only a religion, but a deen, a way of
life. As a way of life, it is comprehensive, covering virtually every
aspect. A Muslim is not able to separate religion from the rest of
life for the deen is the life. A true practicing Muslim breathes,
walks, and lives Islam, even down to the smallest details. Upon rising
in the morning, she remembers Allaah. She immediately washes for pray
and completes the fajr prayer. She eats with his right hand during
meals. During social interactions she follows Islamic etiquette.
Hijaab is a part of this way of life and as such it cannot be altered
or removed. The religion of Islam pervades both private and public
life. These cannot be separated and one cannot say that she i1l be
religious in private life but not public life. An individual takes her
deen to public life when she wears Hijaab. She takes her religion to
public life when she refuses to shake hands with males. The religion
comes into play during social interactions, economic transactions, and
political decisions. A Muslim can never live a "secular" life.
Unfortunately, this is what nations are forcing Muslims to do, even in
so-called Islamic countries. But, Allaah has guaranteed to preserve
the religion and to reward those who work for His cause in its
Equality of genders/ emancipation of women
The second reason given for the Hijaab ban is reflected in the
following quote by Jacques Chirac —"Regardless of their origins and
their convictions, French men and women have the same rights, the same
duties, and they have a right to the same respect and the same
opportunities." The goal of these societies is to make men and women
totally equal or the same; exactly identical in rights, duties, and
opportunities. It is somehow strange to think that by removing Hijaab
men and women will somehow become magically equal in status. These
people also assume that women who wear Hijaab are oppressed,
subjugated and in need of liberation. They seem to think that Muslim
women want to be liberated and to be told to remove the Hijaab. It is
as if they are doing a favor for the Muslim woman.
From an Islamic perspective, it is important to realize that although
men and women are similar in many ways )i.e., spiritual(, Allaah
Almighty has created specific rights and responsibilities for each
gender in certain realms of life. He has not only done that, but He
has also created each gender uniquely to best fulfill the duties that
have been assigned to each. Science, in fact, has affirmed these
concepts. This does not imply the superiority of one gender over the
other since both roles are honorable and operate in a complementary
manner. They are both essential for effective functioning of the
society. One may ask the question, "If Allaah Almighty had intended
for men and women to be equal or the same, would it be necessary to
have two genders?"
A Muslim woman does not need the "freedom" that is being offered, for
the she is already liberated. Her liberation comes through submission
to her Lord and Creator. The Hijaab liberates her from the focus on
worldly and lower desires and elevates her into the domain of
spirituality and nearness to Allaah. The "liberation" they promise is
only subjugation deceptively shrouded in the cloak of goodness. There
can never be liberation in disobedience to Allaah.
Protection from force of parents
Although secular countries proclaim to support freedom of religion and
speech, these can easily be compromised in defense of the secular
philosophy. The following quote highlights this fact: "The European
Court in Stasbourg protects secularism when it is a fundamental value
of the State. It allows limits to the freedom of expression in public
services, especially when it is a matter of protecting minors against
external pressures." In these societies, everything is upside down,
even to the point of giving minors rights above their parents. In
essence, what they are doing is taking control from parents and giving
it to the state. So, it is no longer parents who are telling their
children to wear Hijaab, but it is the state telling them to take it
off. There is still no freedom, only a different force. This is not
much different from saying that you have come to liberate a country,
only to occupy it yourself.
In Islam, the rights of parents are sacred and honored. Allaah
commands the believers to obey and respect their parents and this is
often placed next to submission and obedience to Allaah in importance.
They are attempting to tear down this fundamental aspect of the deen
and the culture, but this cannot be allowed. From an Islamic
perspective, parents can force their daughter to wear Hijaab since
this is a religious obligation. They are only requiring her to do what
is best for her, her family, and her society. This is really no
different than enforcing a curfew or placing limitations on friends or
outings. In reality, it is more essential since the benefits are
immense. It is important to note that girls are not obligated to wear
Hijaab until puberty, but they should be taught about the essentials
of Hijaab from an early age. If they are properly taught the beauty
and meaning of Hijaab, they will willingly make their own choice to
don it when the time is right.
Women Site, - Hijaab - Hijaab: A Divine Honor forWomen- visit-
Allaah The Almighty Says )what means(:}O children of Adam, We have
bestowed upon you clothing to conceal your private parts and as
adornment. But the clothing of righteousness -- that is best. That is
from the signs of Allaah that perhaps they will remember. O children
of Adam, let not Satan tempt you as he removed your parents from
Paradise, stripping them of their clothing to show them their private
parts. Indeed, he sees you, he and his tribe, from where you do not
see them. Indeed, We have made the devils allies to those who do not
believe.{]Quran 7:26-27[
O Muslim brothers! It is a great favor conferred by Allaah The
Almighty upon His servants that He bestowed upon them clothing to
screen their private parts, in order to safeguard their honor and
protect them from being played with or violated. Allaah The Almighty
prescribed and commanded that the'Awrah)private parts( should be
concealed, and nothing thereof should appear except what He made
permissible, so that modesty is maintained among people. He legislated
for both men and women the'Awrahthat suits the nature of each of them,
and made it impermissible for either of the sexes to go beyond the
limits of His command.
It is of utmost importance to discuss the'Awrahand how to screen it
particularly in the context of women, because of the influence and
temptation they exert upon men, and by extension, on societies. To
maintain the woman is to maintain the whole society, and to waste her
is to waste the entire society. The Messenger of Allaah,sallallaahu
'alayhi wa salam, warned of the temptation caused by women,
saying:"Safeguard yourselves )from the temptation of( women, for the
first temptation from which the Children of Israel suffered was in
Ruling onHijaab
When the Noble Verse ofHijaab)Islamic covering( was revealed, i.e.
)the statement of Allaah The Almighty, what means(:}…and to wrap ]a
portion of[ their headcovers over their chests{]Quran 24:31[
'Aa'ishah, may Allaah be pleased with her, said,
I have never seen better ]women[, more trusting in the Book of Allaah,
and more believing in the Divine revelation than the women of the
Ansaar )Helpers(. When that Noble Verse of Hijaab was revealed, there
was no woman among them except that she got up and took hold of her
sheet, and in the morning, they came to offer Morning Prayer wrapped
in them.
They hastened to comply with the command of Allaah The Almighty. As
they had no clothes fit to implement what they were ordered to do,
they got up and cut their garments and made from them headcovers to
screen themselves with.
Compare this behavior with the conduct of such women who claim to be
"civilized", who consider that theHijaabis ]a manifestation of[
extremism, or that she has not yet been convinced of the need to wear
it, or many such excuses which will not avail her any benefit from
Allaah The Almighty on the Day she will stand before Him.
Allaah The Almighty Says after forbidding a display of beauty:}…and do
not display yourselves as ]was[ the display of the former times of
ignorance.{]Quran 33:33[ He further Says )what means(:}It is not for a
believing man or a believing woman, when Allaah and His Messenger have
decided a matter, that they should ]thereafter[ have any choice about
their affair. And whoever disobeys Allaah and His Messenger has
certainly strayed into clear error.{]Quran 33:36[
Hijaabis no less obligatory than prayer, Zakaah)obligatory purifying
alms( and fasting; and this is an indisputably established ruling of
Islam. Who could dare to deny that it is obligatory in the following
statement of Allaah The Almighty )what means(:}O Prophet, tell your
wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down
over themselves ]part[ of their outer garments.{]Quran 33:59[
Islam Wants the Woman to Be a Well-Guarded Jewel
When Allaah The Almighty prescribedHijaabfor the woman, and commanded
her to adhere to it, He wanted her to be a well-guarded jewel and a
concealed pearl, kept far from playful hands, and screened from the
poisonous arrows )of strangers' eyes(. She achieves this when she
abides by the Command of her Lord, and observes herHijaab:}That is
more suitable that they will be known and not be abused.{]Quran 33:59[
When our women from among the righteous predecessors understood
thatHijaabis an obligation from Allaah The Almighty on them, and
consequently, they adhered to it, goodness emerged in the form of
illumination on the foreheads of the generation brought up at their
hands. How excellent were those women as righteous daughters,
sincere sisters, honorable wives guarding )their chastity(, and
nursing mothers! Consequently, at that time, there was not much
deviation in society. But today, when the women abstain from following
the commands of Allaah The Almighty in all the affairs of life, the
result is the outbreak in our societies of adultery, sexual
perversion, rape, violation of honor even against children, increasing
number of spinsters and divorce cases. On the other hand, the great
effect ofHijaabon communities is not hidden, as regards the
maintenance of honor, self-reassurance, chastity and the elevation of
man to higher purposes.
The woman'sHijaabis her honor, dignity and freedom, and with these she
is liberated from servitude to anyone )or anything( other than Allaah
The Almighty; it means freedom from the servitude to the body, the
self, the restrictions of fashion, the )futile( traditions of the
community and the pressure applied by the West.
How Satan Misleads Servants by Stripping Them of Their Clothing
Consider the Statement of Allaah The Almighty )what means(:}O children
of Adam, let not Satan tempt you as he removed your parents from
Paradise, stripping them of their clothing to show them their private
parts{]Quran 7:27[ It shows that Satan started his mischief on earth
by misleading servants and stripping them of their clothing, and
disclosing their private parts. Indeed, he did not ask them to do so
from the beginning, for he knows with certainty that such a request
would be rejected. But, he made his speech alluring to them, and paved
the way for it, as told by Allaah The Almighty )what means(:}But Satan
whispered to them to make apparent to them that which was concealed
from them of their private parts. He said, "Your Lord did not forbid
you this tree except that you become angels or become of the
immortal." And he swore ]by Allaah[ to them, "Indeed, I am to you from
among the sincere advisors."{]Quran 7:20-21[ He claimed to have pity
and sympathy for them, and pretended that he was just an adviser to
them as he intended nothing but their benefit, and took an oath
regarding that. Thus, they opposed the Command of Allaah The Almighty
which led to their being driven out of Paradise, and sent down to this
The enemies of this religion realize the danger ofHijaab, as it
obstructs their plans of neutralizing the effect of Islam upon the
Muslim world. Therefore, they do their best to remove it and replace
it with unlawful exposure. In order to achieve this goal, they make
their speech about it alluring )to women(. They do not call directly
for women to remove it, but they do so indirectly in the name of
progress and civilization, personal freedom, and equality between men
and women.
Hijaab: Concepts and Morals
According to 'Abdullaah Al-Huthayl,
Anyone who ponders on the history of the shocks that the West directed
against the Muslims, will find that removing the Hijaab has been one
of their top priorities for which they exerted all possible efforts,
making it the basis for destroying every Islamic community. This has
been done to the extent that one of them stated that by no means would
the East be set aright unless Hijaab is removed from the woman's face
and instead, placed over the Quran. In this way, they succeeded in
many of their schemes after long years of planning.
The more one looks at the state of communities, the more one realizes
that the Hijaab is confronting a war from poisonous hands in the name
of progress and civilization, under the pretext that it restrains the
woman and subjects her to humiliation. One of them dared to address
the Muslim woman saying: "Tear that veil, and throw it away. Tear it!
What evil you are doing? What darkness you are in? What humiliation
are you in? What grave you are in? Destroy it! Destroy the terror
violently without hesitation! Destroy the silence and say and express
your wishes as you like! Destroy the prison…!"
Thus, the woman has been driven by the allurement of speech behind
such claims, and has removed her honor with her own hands, and become
a plaything. However, the Muslim woman who sticks to the command of
her Lord, repulses all the hands that stretch to remove herHijaabfrom
her and unlawfully expose her face,proves competently that
herHijaabnever impedes her from being active in society, taking and
giving. She, all perfect praise be to Allaah The Almighty, is present
in all fields, areas and places: as a physician, an engineer, a
university professor, a lawyer...
According to the Islamic concept, the woman has a pioneering role in
the formation and advancement of society. HerHijaabis not merely a set
of clothes, rather, it is a set of concepts and morals. It is an act
of worship, of higher thought, culture and civilization; and these are
the real standards of evaluating women.
bestowed upon you clothing to conceal your private parts and as
adornment. But the clothing of righteousness -- that is best. That is
from the signs of Allaah that perhaps they will remember. O children
of Adam, let not Satan tempt you as he removed your parents from
Paradise, stripping them of their clothing to show them their private
parts. Indeed, he sees you, he and his tribe, from where you do not
see them. Indeed, We have made the devils allies to those who do not
believe.{]Quran 7:26-27[
O Muslim brothers! It is a great favor conferred by Allaah The
Almighty upon His servants that He bestowed upon them clothing to
screen their private parts, in order to safeguard their honor and
protect them from being played with or violated. Allaah The Almighty
prescribed and commanded that the'Awrah)private parts( should be
concealed, and nothing thereof should appear except what He made
permissible, so that modesty is maintained among people. He legislated
for both men and women the'Awrahthat suits the nature of each of them,
and made it impermissible for either of the sexes to go beyond the
limits of His command.
It is of utmost importance to discuss the'Awrahand how to screen it
particularly in the context of women, because of the influence and
temptation they exert upon men, and by extension, on societies. To
maintain the woman is to maintain the whole society, and to waste her
is to waste the entire society. The Messenger of Allaah,sallallaahu
'alayhi wa salam, warned of the temptation caused by women,
saying:"Safeguard yourselves )from the temptation of( women, for the
first temptation from which the Children of Israel suffered was in
Ruling onHijaab
When the Noble Verse ofHijaab)Islamic covering( was revealed, i.e.
)the statement of Allaah The Almighty, what means(:}…and to wrap ]a
portion of[ their headcovers over their chests{]Quran 24:31[
'Aa'ishah, may Allaah be pleased with her, said,
I have never seen better ]women[, more trusting in the Book of Allaah,
and more believing in the Divine revelation than the women of the
Ansaar )Helpers(. When that Noble Verse of Hijaab was revealed, there
was no woman among them except that she got up and took hold of her
sheet, and in the morning, they came to offer Morning Prayer wrapped
in them.
They hastened to comply with the command of Allaah The Almighty. As
they had no clothes fit to implement what they were ordered to do,
they got up and cut their garments and made from them headcovers to
screen themselves with.
Compare this behavior with the conduct of such women who claim to be
"civilized", who consider that theHijaabis ]a manifestation of[
extremism, or that she has not yet been convinced of the need to wear
it, or many such excuses which will not avail her any benefit from
Allaah The Almighty on the Day she will stand before Him.
Allaah The Almighty Says after forbidding a display of beauty:}…and do
not display yourselves as ]was[ the display of the former times of
ignorance.{]Quran 33:33[ He further Says )what means(:}It is not for a
believing man or a believing woman, when Allaah and His Messenger have
decided a matter, that they should ]thereafter[ have any choice about
their affair. And whoever disobeys Allaah and His Messenger has
certainly strayed into clear error.{]Quran 33:36[
Hijaabis no less obligatory than prayer, Zakaah)obligatory purifying
alms( and fasting; and this is an indisputably established ruling of
Islam. Who could dare to deny that it is obligatory in the following
statement of Allaah The Almighty )what means(:}O Prophet, tell your
wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down
over themselves ]part[ of their outer garments.{]Quran 33:59[
Islam Wants the Woman to Be a Well-Guarded Jewel
When Allaah The Almighty prescribedHijaabfor the woman, and commanded
her to adhere to it, He wanted her to be a well-guarded jewel and a
concealed pearl, kept far from playful hands, and screened from the
poisonous arrows )of strangers' eyes(. She achieves this when she
abides by the Command of her Lord, and observes herHijaab:}That is
more suitable that they will be known and not be abused.{]Quran 33:59[
When our women from among the righteous predecessors understood
thatHijaabis an obligation from Allaah The Almighty on them, and
consequently, they adhered to it, goodness emerged in the form of
illumination on the foreheads of the generation brought up at their
hands. How excellent were those women as righteous daughters,
sincere sisters, honorable wives guarding )their chastity(, and
nursing mothers! Consequently, at that time, there was not much
deviation in society. But today, when the women abstain from following
the commands of Allaah The Almighty in all the affairs of life, the
result is the outbreak in our societies of adultery, sexual
perversion, rape, violation of honor even against children, increasing
number of spinsters and divorce cases. On the other hand, the great
effect ofHijaabon communities is not hidden, as regards the
maintenance of honor, self-reassurance, chastity and the elevation of
man to higher purposes.
The woman'sHijaabis her honor, dignity and freedom, and with these she
is liberated from servitude to anyone )or anything( other than Allaah
The Almighty; it means freedom from the servitude to the body, the
self, the restrictions of fashion, the )futile( traditions of the
community and the pressure applied by the West.
How Satan Misleads Servants by Stripping Them of Their Clothing
Consider the Statement of Allaah The Almighty )what means(:}O children
of Adam, let not Satan tempt you as he removed your parents from
Paradise, stripping them of their clothing to show them their private
parts{]Quran 7:27[ It shows that Satan started his mischief on earth
by misleading servants and stripping them of their clothing, and
disclosing their private parts. Indeed, he did not ask them to do so
from the beginning, for he knows with certainty that such a request
would be rejected. But, he made his speech alluring to them, and paved
the way for it, as told by Allaah The Almighty )what means(:}But Satan
whispered to them to make apparent to them that which was concealed
from them of their private parts. He said, "Your Lord did not forbid
you this tree except that you become angels or become of the
immortal." And he swore ]by Allaah[ to them, "Indeed, I am to you from
among the sincere advisors."{]Quran 7:20-21[ He claimed to have pity
and sympathy for them, and pretended that he was just an adviser to
them as he intended nothing but their benefit, and took an oath
regarding that. Thus, they opposed the Command of Allaah The Almighty
which led to their being driven out of Paradise, and sent down to this
The enemies of this religion realize the danger ofHijaab, as it
obstructs their plans of neutralizing the effect of Islam upon the
Muslim world. Therefore, they do their best to remove it and replace
it with unlawful exposure. In order to achieve this goal, they make
their speech about it alluring )to women(. They do not call directly
for women to remove it, but they do so indirectly in the name of
progress and civilization, personal freedom, and equality between men
and women.
Hijaab: Concepts and Morals
According to 'Abdullaah Al-Huthayl,
Anyone who ponders on the history of the shocks that the West directed
against the Muslims, will find that removing the Hijaab has been one
of their top priorities for which they exerted all possible efforts,
making it the basis for destroying every Islamic community. This has
been done to the extent that one of them stated that by no means would
the East be set aright unless Hijaab is removed from the woman's face
and instead, placed over the Quran. In this way, they succeeded in
many of their schemes after long years of planning.
The more one looks at the state of communities, the more one realizes
that the Hijaab is confronting a war from poisonous hands in the name
of progress and civilization, under the pretext that it restrains the
woman and subjects her to humiliation. One of them dared to address
the Muslim woman saying: "Tear that veil, and throw it away. Tear it!
What evil you are doing? What darkness you are in? What humiliation
are you in? What grave you are in? Destroy it! Destroy the terror
violently without hesitation! Destroy the silence and say and express
your wishes as you like! Destroy the prison…!"
Thus, the woman has been driven by the allurement of speech behind
such claims, and has removed her honor with her own hands, and become
a plaything. However, the Muslim woman who sticks to the command of
her Lord, repulses all the hands that stretch to remove herHijaabfrom
her and unlawfully expose her face,proves competently that
herHijaabnever impedes her from being active in society, taking and
giving. She, all perfect praise be to Allaah The Almighty, is present
in all fields, areas and places: as a physician, an engineer, a
university professor, a lawyer...
According to the Islamic concept, the woman has a pioneering role in
the formation and advancement of society. HerHijaabis not merely a set
of clothes, rather, it is a set of concepts and morals. It is an act
of worship, of higher thought, culture and civilization; and these are
the real standards of evaluating women.
Dought & clear, - She swore that she would not eat from theirwealth unless they stopped dealing with bonds concerning which the scholars differed.- visit-
I live in a gulf country. People here started dealing with what is
called (national cheques) and are saying that it is halal. So I
started using them as well as my family did. Some time after this some
scholars (including the mufti of one of the emirates) said it includes
Islamic restriction and they informed the Islamic bank about them but
the bank did not fully investigate.
So now these cheques are disagreed upon some say it is halal while
others say it is haram. When I knew this I told my family that I want
to withdraw from such transactions and I have already withdrawn
Alhamdulillah. I advised my family to withdraw theirs but they did not
respond to me. I swore that I would not even drink a cup of water if
they win any extra amount and I repeated my oath in different
occasions, not at the same time. What shall I do? How shall I expiate?
Is it permissible for me to eat from what is made of this money? I
really do not want to even drink water which is bought by this money,
what shall I do? Please answer me. I am a girl and I cannot live
Praise be to Allaah.
The one who wants to engage in some transaction with a company or
anyone else must know the rulings on that, and find out whether it is
Islamically acceptable, either by researching it himself or asking the
scholars, as Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):"So ask of
those who know the Scripture, if you know not" [al-Nahl 16:43].
If you subscribed to these bonds following a fatwa issued by a
trustworthy scholar which said that they are permissible, then there
is no sin on you.
If a person is sure that they are haraam, then it is not permissible
for him to subscribe to them. If a person subscribes to them then
finds out that they are haraam, then he must get out of it, and there
is no sin on him for what happened in the past.
You have done well to get out of it and withdraw your money. This is
safer and better.
If your family do not think that they are haraam, then they do not
have to get rid of these bonds, because they followed the fatwa of one
who said they are permissible. If they are not qualified to know the
difference and determine what is more correct, and they rely on
following a scholar whom they trust, there is no blame on them.
It is permissible for you to eat and drink food and drink offered to
you by your family, because their wealth is mixed, and because wealth
that is haraam because of the manner in which it is acquired is haraam
only for the one who acquires it and not others who take it from him
by permissible means. See the answer to question no. 45018.
With regard to your oath, if you wish you may adhere to it, and not
benefit from anything that results from the profits of these bonds,
whilst benefiting from their other wealth, or if you wish you may
offer expiation for breaking your oath.
You only have to offer expiation once, because the one who swears
repeated oaths concerning the same thing only has to offer expiation
once in the event of breaking the oath. And Allaah knows best.
called (national cheques) and are saying that it is halal. So I
started using them as well as my family did. Some time after this some
scholars (including the mufti of one of the emirates) said it includes
Islamic restriction and they informed the Islamic bank about them but
the bank did not fully investigate.
So now these cheques are disagreed upon some say it is halal while
others say it is haram. When I knew this I told my family that I want
to withdraw from such transactions and I have already withdrawn
Alhamdulillah. I advised my family to withdraw theirs but they did not
respond to me. I swore that I would not even drink a cup of water if
they win any extra amount and I repeated my oath in different
occasions, not at the same time. What shall I do? How shall I expiate?
Is it permissible for me to eat from what is made of this money? I
really do not want to even drink water which is bought by this money,
what shall I do? Please answer me. I am a girl and I cannot live
Praise be to Allaah.
The one who wants to engage in some transaction with a company or
anyone else must know the rulings on that, and find out whether it is
Islamically acceptable, either by researching it himself or asking the
scholars, as Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):"So ask of
those who know the Scripture, if you know not" [al-Nahl 16:43].
If you subscribed to these bonds following a fatwa issued by a
trustworthy scholar which said that they are permissible, then there
is no sin on you.
If a person is sure that they are haraam, then it is not permissible
for him to subscribe to them. If a person subscribes to them then
finds out that they are haraam, then he must get out of it, and there
is no sin on him for what happened in the past.
You have done well to get out of it and withdraw your money. This is
safer and better.
If your family do not think that they are haraam, then they do not
have to get rid of these bonds, because they followed the fatwa of one
who said they are permissible. If they are not qualified to know the
difference and determine what is more correct, and they rely on
following a scholar whom they trust, there is no blame on them.
It is permissible for you to eat and drink food and drink offered to
you by your family, because their wealth is mixed, and because wealth
that is haraam because of the manner in which it is acquired is haraam
only for the one who acquires it and not others who take it from him
by permissible means. See the answer to question no. 45018.
With regard to your oath, if you wish you may adhere to it, and not
benefit from anything that results from the profits of these bonds,
whilst benefiting from their other wealth, or if you wish you may
offer expiation for breaking your oath.
You only have to offer expiation once, because the one who swears
repeated oaths concerning the same thing only has to offer expiation
once in the event of breaking the oath. And Allaah knows best.
Dought & clear, - Bad deeds may erase good deeds.- visit-
What are the bad deeds that cancel out good deeds if a person does
them and cause them to be erased from the record of deeds?.
Praise be to Allaah.
One of the basic principles among Ahl al-Sunnah wa'l-Jamaa'ah is that
good deeds are not accepted if they are accompanied by kufr, and that
nothing cancels out all good deeds except kufr.
This is indicated by the verse in which Allaah says (interpretation of
the meaning):
"Say: Spend (in Allaah's Cause) willingly or unwillingly, it will not
be accepted from you. Verily, you are ever a people who are Faasiqoon
(rebellious, disobedient to Allaah)."
54. And nothing prevents their contributions from being accepted from
them except that they disbelieved in Allaah and in His Messenger
(Muhammad), and that they came not to As-Salaah (the prayer) except in
a lazy state, and that they offer not contributions but unwillingly"
[al-Tawbah 9:53-54]
Ibn Taymiyah (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:
Nothing cancels out good deeds except kufr, because the one who dies
as a believer will inevitably enter Paradise, and he will be brought
out of Hell if he does enter it, but if all his good deeds are
cancelled out, he will never enter Paradise. Good deeds can only be
cancelled out by that which is their opposite, and nothing can be the
opposite of all good deeds except kufr. This is well known from the
principles of Sunnah. End quote.Al-Saarim al-Maslool(p. 55)
The followers of innovation, such as the Khawaarij, Mu'tazilah and
Murji'ah differed. The Khawaarij and Mu'tazilah went to extremes and
said that major sins erase and cancel out all good deeds and acts of
worship. In contrast the Murji'ah said that the good deed of faith
cancels out all bad deeds.
Once it is understood that nothing can cancel out all good deeds
except that which cancels out faith altogether, namely kufr, then can
some sins cancel out and erase some good deeds?
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allaah have mercy on him) said
inMajmoo' al-Fataawa(10/638):
If bad deeds do not cancel out all good deeds, can they cancel out a
proportional amount of them, or can some good deeds be erased by sin
that is less than kufr?
There are two views among those who claim adherence to the Sunnah,
some who deny that and some who affirm it. End quote.
The first view is that bad deeds do not cancel out good deeds, rather
good deeds are the ones that cancel out bad deeds, by the grace and
bounty and kindness of Allaah.
Al-Qurtubi (may Allaah have mercy on him) said inal-Jaami' li Ahkaam
The correct 'aqeedah is that bad deeds do not cancel out good deeds. End quote.
The second view is that sins and innovations may cancel out the reward
for good deeds as a form of punishment. Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah
attributed this view to the majority of Ahl al-Sunnah. SeeMajmoo'
This was also the view favoured by Shaykh al-Islam and his student Ibn
al-Qayyim. He said inMadaarij al-Saalikeen(1/278):
Ahmad stated that in one report and said: A person should get married
if he fears for himself; he should borrow money and get married, lest
he fall into haraam actions which would cancel out his good deeds. End
Imam al-Bukhaari (may Allaah have mercy on him) said inKitaab
al-Eemaan(the Book of Faith) in his Saheeh:
Chapter: Fear of the believer inadvertently cancelling out his good
deeds. Ibraaheem al-Taymi (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: When I
compare my words with my deeds, I am afraid that my deeds belie my
words. Ibn Abi Mulaykah said: I met thirty of the companions of the
Prophet(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) all of whom feared
that they might be guilty of hypocrisy, and not one of them said that
his faith was like that of Jibreel and Mika'eel. It was narrated from
al-Hasan: No one fears it (hypocrisy) but a believer and no one feels
safe from it but a hypocrite. And one should be afraid of persisting
in hypocrisy and sin without repenting, because Allaah says
(interpretation of the meaning):"and [they] do not persist in what
(wrong) they have done, while they know" [Aal 'Imraan 3:135].
Imam Muslim also entitled a chapter: The believer's fear of his good
deeds being cancelled out.
Imam Ibn Rajab (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:
Al-Bukhaari's title for this chapter is suited to what is mentioned in
it of good deeds being cancelled out by some sins, as Allaah says
(interpretation of the meaning):
"O you who believe! Raise not your voices above the voice of the
Prophet, nor speak aloud to him in talk as you speak aloud to one
another, lest your deeds should be rendered fruitless while you
perceive not"
[al-Hujuraat 49:2]
Imam Ahmad said: Al-Hasan ibn Moosa said: Hammad ibn Salamah narrated
from Habeeb ibn al-Shaheed, that al-Hasan said: These people do not
think that some deeds can cancel out others, but Allaah says
(interpretation of the meaning):
"O you who believe! Raise not your voices …, lest your deeds should be
rendered fruitless while you perceive not"
[al-Hujuraat 49:2]
This is also indicated by the verses in which Allaah says
(interpretation of the meaning):
"O you who believe! Do not render in vain your Sadaqah (charity) by
reminders of your generosity or by injury, like him who spends his
wealth to be seen of men, and he does not believe in Allaah, nor in
the Last Day. His likeness is the likeness of a smooth rock on which
is a little dust; on it falls heavy rain which leaves it bare. They
are not able to do anything with what they have earned. And Allaah
does not guide the disbelieving people"
[al-Baqarah 2:264]
"Would any of you wish to have a garden with date palms and vines,
with rivers flowing underneath, and all kinds of fruits for him
therein, while he is stricken with old age, and his children are weak
(not able to look after themselves), then it is struck with a fiery
whirlwind, so that it is burnt? Thus does Allaah make clear His Ayaat
(proofs, evidences, verses) to you that you may give thought"
[al-Baqarah 2:266]
InSaheeh al-Bukhaariit is narrated that 'Umar asked the people about
it and they said: Allaah knows best. Ibn 'Abbaas said: The verse gives
a likeness of deeds. 'Umar said: What deeds? Ibn 'Abbaas said: Deeds.
'Umar said: A rich man may strive in obedience of Allaah, then Allaah
sends the shaytaan to him and he commits sins until they drown out his
good deeds.
'Ata' al-Khursaani said: This is a man whose deeds end with shirk or a
major sin, so all his good deeds are cancelled out.
It is narrated in a saheeh report that the Prophet(peace and blessings
of Allaah be upon him) said: "Whoever does not pray 'Asr, his deeds
are cancelled out." Narrated by al-Bukhaari (553).
It also says inal-Saheehthat a man said: By Allaah, Allaah will not
forgive So and so. Allaah said: 'Who is the one who swore by Me that I
will not forgive So and so? I have forgiven So and so and I have
cancelled out your good deeds. Muslim (2621).
'Aa'ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her) said: Tell Zayd that his
jihad with the Messenger of Allaah (S) will be cancelled out unless he
repents. Narrated by al-Daaraqutni (3/52) and al-Bayhaqi (5/330)
This indicates that some bad deeds cancel out some good deeds, but
they may be restored if one repents.
Ibn Abi Haatim narrated in hisTafseerfrom Abu Ja'far, from al-Rabee'
ibn Anas, that Abu'l-Aaliyah said: The companions of the Messenger of
Allaah(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) thought that no sin
could do harm if one was sincere and that no good deed was of any
avail if one associates others with Allaah. Then Allaah revealed the
words (interpretation of the meaning):
"O you who believe! Obey Allaah, and obey the Messenger (Muhammad) and
render not vain your deeds"
[Muhammad 47:33]
Then they began to fear major sins after they found out that they may
cancel out good deeds.
It was narrated from al-Hasan that he said concerning the words "and
render not vain your deeds" i.e., by committing sins. It was narrated
from Ma'mar from al-Zuhri concerning the words "and render not vain
your deeds" i.e., by committing major sins.
It was narrated that Qataadah said concerning this verse: Whoever
among you can avoid rendering vain his righteous deeds by doing bad
deeds, let him do so, and there is no strength except with Allaah.
Good cancels out evil, and evil cancels out good, and what matters is
one's final deeds.
Ibn Rajab (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: There are very many
reports from the salaf about good deeds being cancelled out by major
sins, and it would take too long to list them all. Hudhayfah said:
Slandering a chaste innocent woman cancels out the good deeds of a
hundred years.
It was narrated that 'Ata' said: A man may say a word in anger that
destroys the good deeds of sixty or seventy years.
Imam Ahmad said, according to the report of al-Fadl ibn Ziyaad: No one
of you can be sure that he will not steal a glance that will cancel
out his good deeds.
As for those who say that the view that good deeds may be cancelled
out by bad deeds is the view of the Khawaarij and Mu'tazilah, this is
a false view, and the views of the righteous salaf do not agree with
that. Yes, the Khawaarij and Mu'tazilah said that faith is cancelled
out by major sins and that major sin dooms one to spend eternity in
Hell, but this is a false view which was held by them alone.Sharh
Kitaab al-Eemaan min Saheeh al-Bukhaari(206-210).
Ibn al-Qayyim said: The things that cancel out or spoil good deeds are
too many to count. It is not the deeds that count, rather it is the
protection of one's good deeds from that which may spoil them or
cancel them out.Al-Waabil al-Sayyib(18).
And Allaah knows best.
them and cause them to be erased from the record of deeds?.
Praise be to Allaah.
One of the basic principles among Ahl al-Sunnah wa'l-Jamaa'ah is that
good deeds are not accepted if they are accompanied by kufr, and that
nothing cancels out all good deeds except kufr.
This is indicated by the verse in which Allaah says (interpretation of
the meaning):
"Say: Spend (in Allaah's Cause) willingly or unwillingly, it will not
be accepted from you. Verily, you are ever a people who are Faasiqoon
(rebellious, disobedient to Allaah)."
54. And nothing prevents their contributions from being accepted from
them except that they disbelieved in Allaah and in His Messenger
(Muhammad), and that they came not to As-Salaah (the prayer) except in
a lazy state, and that they offer not contributions but unwillingly"
[al-Tawbah 9:53-54]
Ibn Taymiyah (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:
Nothing cancels out good deeds except kufr, because the one who dies
as a believer will inevitably enter Paradise, and he will be brought
out of Hell if he does enter it, but if all his good deeds are
cancelled out, he will never enter Paradise. Good deeds can only be
cancelled out by that which is their opposite, and nothing can be the
opposite of all good deeds except kufr. This is well known from the
principles of Sunnah. End quote.Al-Saarim al-Maslool(p. 55)
The followers of innovation, such as the Khawaarij, Mu'tazilah and
Murji'ah differed. The Khawaarij and Mu'tazilah went to extremes and
said that major sins erase and cancel out all good deeds and acts of
worship. In contrast the Murji'ah said that the good deed of faith
cancels out all bad deeds.
Once it is understood that nothing can cancel out all good deeds
except that which cancels out faith altogether, namely kufr, then can
some sins cancel out and erase some good deeds?
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allaah have mercy on him) said
inMajmoo' al-Fataawa(10/638):
If bad deeds do not cancel out all good deeds, can they cancel out a
proportional amount of them, or can some good deeds be erased by sin
that is less than kufr?
There are two views among those who claim adherence to the Sunnah,
some who deny that and some who affirm it. End quote.
The first view is that bad deeds do not cancel out good deeds, rather
good deeds are the ones that cancel out bad deeds, by the grace and
bounty and kindness of Allaah.
Al-Qurtubi (may Allaah have mercy on him) said inal-Jaami' li Ahkaam
The correct 'aqeedah is that bad deeds do not cancel out good deeds. End quote.
The second view is that sins and innovations may cancel out the reward
for good deeds as a form of punishment. Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah
attributed this view to the majority of Ahl al-Sunnah. SeeMajmoo'
This was also the view favoured by Shaykh al-Islam and his student Ibn
al-Qayyim. He said inMadaarij al-Saalikeen(1/278):
Ahmad stated that in one report and said: A person should get married
if he fears for himself; he should borrow money and get married, lest
he fall into haraam actions which would cancel out his good deeds. End
Imam al-Bukhaari (may Allaah have mercy on him) said inKitaab
al-Eemaan(the Book of Faith) in his Saheeh:
Chapter: Fear of the believer inadvertently cancelling out his good
deeds. Ibraaheem al-Taymi (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: When I
compare my words with my deeds, I am afraid that my deeds belie my
words. Ibn Abi Mulaykah said: I met thirty of the companions of the
Prophet(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) all of whom feared
that they might be guilty of hypocrisy, and not one of them said that
his faith was like that of Jibreel and Mika'eel. It was narrated from
al-Hasan: No one fears it (hypocrisy) but a believer and no one feels
safe from it but a hypocrite. And one should be afraid of persisting
in hypocrisy and sin without repenting, because Allaah says
(interpretation of the meaning):"and [they] do not persist in what
(wrong) they have done, while they know" [Aal 'Imraan 3:135].
Imam Muslim also entitled a chapter: The believer's fear of his good
deeds being cancelled out.
Imam Ibn Rajab (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:
Al-Bukhaari's title for this chapter is suited to what is mentioned in
it of good deeds being cancelled out by some sins, as Allaah says
(interpretation of the meaning):
"O you who believe! Raise not your voices above the voice of the
Prophet, nor speak aloud to him in talk as you speak aloud to one
another, lest your deeds should be rendered fruitless while you
perceive not"
[al-Hujuraat 49:2]
Imam Ahmad said: Al-Hasan ibn Moosa said: Hammad ibn Salamah narrated
from Habeeb ibn al-Shaheed, that al-Hasan said: These people do not
think that some deeds can cancel out others, but Allaah says
(interpretation of the meaning):
"O you who believe! Raise not your voices …, lest your deeds should be
rendered fruitless while you perceive not"
[al-Hujuraat 49:2]
This is also indicated by the verses in which Allaah says
(interpretation of the meaning):
"O you who believe! Do not render in vain your Sadaqah (charity) by
reminders of your generosity or by injury, like him who spends his
wealth to be seen of men, and he does not believe in Allaah, nor in
the Last Day. His likeness is the likeness of a smooth rock on which
is a little dust; on it falls heavy rain which leaves it bare. They
are not able to do anything with what they have earned. And Allaah
does not guide the disbelieving people"
[al-Baqarah 2:264]
"Would any of you wish to have a garden with date palms and vines,
with rivers flowing underneath, and all kinds of fruits for him
therein, while he is stricken with old age, and his children are weak
(not able to look after themselves), then it is struck with a fiery
whirlwind, so that it is burnt? Thus does Allaah make clear His Ayaat
(proofs, evidences, verses) to you that you may give thought"
[al-Baqarah 2:266]
InSaheeh al-Bukhaariit is narrated that 'Umar asked the people about
it and they said: Allaah knows best. Ibn 'Abbaas said: The verse gives
a likeness of deeds. 'Umar said: What deeds? Ibn 'Abbaas said: Deeds.
'Umar said: A rich man may strive in obedience of Allaah, then Allaah
sends the shaytaan to him and he commits sins until they drown out his
good deeds.
'Ata' al-Khursaani said: This is a man whose deeds end with shirk or a
major sin, so all his good deeds are cancelled out.
It is narrated in a saheeh report that the Prophet(peace and blessings
of Allaah be upon him) said: "Whoever does not pray 'Asr, his deeds
are cancelled out." Narrated by al-Bukhaari (553).
It also says inal-Saheehthat a man said: By Allaah, Allaah will not
forgive So and so. Allaah said: 'Who is the one who swore by Me that I
will not forgive So and so? I have forgiven So and so and I have
cancelled out your good deeds. Muslim (2621).
'Aa'ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her) said: Tell Zayd that his
jihad with the Messenger of Allaah (S) will be cancelled out unless he
repents. Narrated by al-Daaraqutni (3/52) and al-Bayhaqi (5/330)
This indicates that some bad deeds cancel out some good deeds, but
they may be restored if one repents.
Ibn Abi Haatim narrated in hisTafseerfrom Abu Ja'far, from al-Rabee'
ibn Anas, that Abu'l-Aaliyah said: The companions of the Messenger of
Allaah(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) thought that no sin
could do harm if one was sincere and that no good deed was of any
avail if one associates others with Allaah. Then Allaah revealed the
words (interpretation of the meaning):
"O you who believe! Obey Allaah, and obey the Messenger (Muhammad) and
render not vain your deeds"
[Muhammad 47:33]
Then they began to fear major sins after they found out that they may
cancel out good deeds.
It was narrated from al-Hasan that he said concerning the words "and
render not vain your deeds" i.e., by committing sins. It was narrated
from Ma'mar from al-Zuhri concerning the words "and render not vain
your deeds" i.e., by committing major sins.
It was narrated that Qataadah said concerning this verse: Whoever
among you can avoid rendering vain his righteous deeds by doing bad
deeds, let him do so, and there is no strength except with Allaah.
Good cancels out evil, and evil cancels out good, and what matters is
one's final deeds.
Ibn Rajab (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: There are very many
reports from the salaf about good deeds being cancelled out by major
sins, and it would take too long to list them all. Hudhayfah said:
Slandering a chaste innocent woman cancels out the good deeds of a
hundred years.
It was narrated that 'Ata' said: A man may say a word in anger that
destroys the good deeds of sixty or seventy years.
Imam Ahmad said, according to the report of al-Fadl ibn Ziyaad: No one
of you can be sure that he will not steal a glance that will cancel
out his good deeds.
As for those who say that the view that good deeds may be cancelled
out by bad deeds is the view of the Khawaarij and Mu'tazilah, this is
a false view, and the views of the righteous salaf do not agree with
that. Yes, the Khawaarij and Mu'tazilah said that faith is cancelled
out by major sins and that major sin dooms one to spend eternity in
Hell, but this is a false view which was held by them alone.Sharh
Kitaab al-Eemaan min Saheeh al-Bukhaari(206-210).
Ibn al-Qayyim said: The things that cancel out or spoil good deeds are
too many to count. It is not the deeds that count, rather it is the
protection of one's good deeds from that which may spoil them or
cancel them out.Al-Waabil al-Sayyib(18).
And Allaah knows best.
Dought & clear, - He is not sure whether he uttered the shahaadatayn, two yearsafter he became Muslim.- visit-
There is a brother who embraced Islam approximately two years ago, but
he cannot remember whether he uttered the shahaadatayn (twin
declaration of faith). He prays and fasts and strives to follow the
religion as much as he can .
Praise be to Allaah.
We praise Allaah for having guided our brother to Islam, and we ask
Him, may He be glorified and exalted, to make him steadfast,
strengthen his faith and increase his worship.
If this brother is doubting that he uttered the shahaadatayn after two
years of fasting, praying and striving to follow the religion as much
as he can, this is undoubtedly waswaas (whispers) from the shaytaan
who wants to upset him and make him feel anxious and worried. What is
definite is that this brother has repeated the shahaadatayn during
this lengthy period time after time. Has he not been repeating the
adhaan after the muezzin all this time? Has he not said sometimesLaa
ilaaha ill-Allaah Muhammad Rasool Allaah? Does he not pray? For in the
tashahhud during the prayer he says: I bear witness that there is no
god but Allaah and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of
Moreover the fact that he prays is regarded as entering into Islam.
Hence the scholars said of the kaafir: If he prays then he is a Muslim
according to the rules, i.e., he is judged to be a Muslim even if he
does not utter the shahaadatayn.
See:al-Sharh al-Mumti'(2/12) andal-Mawsoo'ah al-Fiqhiyyah(4/272).
This is also indicated by the report narrated by al-Bukhaari (391)
from Anas ibn Maalik (may Allaah be pleased with him) who said: The
Messenger of Allaah(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:
"Whoever prays as we pray and faces the same qiblah (direction of
prayer) that we face and eats meat slaughtered by us, he is the
We should beware of waswaas which befalls some people and makes them
confused as to whether they said or did something or not, because
waswaas is a sickness, and the remedy for it is dhikr (remembering
Allaah) and not paying any attention to it.
And Allaah knows best.
he cannot remember whether he uttered the shahaadatayn (twin
declaration of faith). He prays and fasts and strives to follow the
religion as much as he can .
Praise be to Allaah.
We praise Allaah for having guided our brother to Islam, and we ask
Him, may He be glorified and exalted, to make him steadfast,
strengthen his faith and increase his worship.
If this brother is doubting that he uttered the shahaadatayn after two
years of fasting, praying and striving to follow the religion as much
as he can, this is undoubtedly waswaas (whispers) from the shaytaan
who wants to upset him and make him feel anxious and worried. What is
definite is that this brother has repeated the shahaadatayn during
this lengthy period time after time. Has he not been repeating the
adhaan after the muezzin all this time? Has he not said sometimesLaa
ilaaha ill-Allaah Muhammad Rasool Allaah? Does he not pray? For in the
tashahhud during the prayer he says: I bear witness that there is no
god but Allaah and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of
Moreover the fact that he prays is regarded as entering into Islam.
Hence the scholars said of the kaafir: If he prays then he is a Muslim
according to the rules, i.e., he is judged to be a Muslim even if he
does not utter the shahaadatayn.
See:al-Sharh al-Mumti'(2/12) andal-Mawsoo'ah al-Fiqhiyyah(4/272).
This is also indicated by the report narrated by al-Bukhaari (391)
from Anas ibn Maalik (may Allaah be pleased with him) who said: The
Messenger of Allaah(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:
"Whoever prays as we pray and faces the same qiblah (direction of
prayer) that we face and eats meat slaughtered by us, he is the
We should beware of waswaas which befalls some people and makes them
confused as to whether they said or did something or not, because
waswaas is a sickness, and the remedy for it is dhikr (remembering
Allaah) and not paying any attention to it.
And Allaah knows best.
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Monday, December 23, 2013
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Personalities, - Gems of Wisdom by Hazrat Data Ganj Baksh
Gems of Wisdom by Hadrat Daata Ganj Bakhsh
Abu al-Hasan 'Ali al-Hajweri Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho
*.A person's nobility and elevation in status is not judged by
miracles but by chastity and purity in his dealings.
*.The deterioration of the entire nation is based on 3 things
deteriorating – When the ruler is uneducated – When an Aalim does not
practice upon his knowledge – and when the poor lose faith in ALLAH
SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala.
*.The saviour of a person is his adherence to religion and his
destruction is in his objections to it.
*.If any desires based on you own desires enters any work then the
blessings are taken away from it.
*.Knowledge is expansive while a person's life span is short,
therefore it is not compulsory to learn the many different branches of
knowledge although it is necessary to learn that much as is required
to make deeds and actions proper and correct.
*.To stay away from unmindfully wealthy, the lazy needy and the
ignorant dervishes is regarded as worship and prayer.
*.A Sufi is that person who has the Quraan in one hand and the sunnat
of the Prophet Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam in the other.
*.Fanah (lost in the remembrance of ALLAH SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala), it's
explanation is the eradication of ignorance, to obtain knowledge and
destroy desires and neglectfulness, to adopt constant remembrance of
ALLAH SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala. This quality now becomes to constant and
that's when the person is totally absorbed in ALLAH SubHanuhu wa
Ta'ala 's love as a result he becomes immortal by self destruction.
*.Acceptance are of 2 types – firstly the acceptance of the servant by
the supreme master (ALLAH SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala) and secondly the
acceptance of the master by the servant ie. His every action and every
decision is either followed or pleasurable in its prohibition. That
person sees the "Hand" of ALLAH SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala in every bounty
and he regards sorrow and happiness, life and death as the bounties of
ALLAH SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala.
*.Tasawwuf (Sufism, Mysticism) has a few levels, firstly forgiveness,
Secondly – Inclination towards ALLAH SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala, Thirdly –
abstinence from the pleasures of the World, Fourthly – Total reliance
on ALLAH SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala.
*.To worship successfully the position of manifestations and
observations is reached.
*.Oh! Dear friends, seek knowledge, learn knowledge and practice on
that knowledge.
*.A poor person is he who possesses nothing in the World nor does he
wish to possess anything nor does he show sorrow at the loss of any
Worldly possession.
*.Marriage is lawful for every man and woman. He who can support a
wife and family, then it is Sunnah for him but he who cannot safeguard
himself from Haram, it becomes Fard upon him to marry.
*.The most excellent form of Ibadah is to oppose your desires.
*.The example of the soul is similar to Shaytan and to oppose it is
the wonder of worship.
Abu al-Hasan 'Ali al-Hajweri Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho
*.A person's nobility and elevation in status is not judged by
miracles but by chastity and purity in his dealings.
*.The deterioration of the entire nation is based on 3 things
deteriorating – When the ruler is uneducated – When an Aalim does not
practice upon his knowledge – and when the poor lose faith in ALLAH
SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala.
*.The saviour of a person is his adherence to religion and his
destruction is in his objections to it.
*.If any desires based on you own desires enters any work then the
blessings are taken away from it.
*.Knowledge is expansive while a person's life span is short,
therefore it is not compulsory to learn the many different branches of
knowledge although it is necessary to learn that much as is required
to make deeds and actions proper and correct.
*.To stay away from unmindfully wealthy, the lazy needy and the
ignorant dervishes is regarded as worship and prayer.
*.A Sufi is that person who has the Quraan in one hand and the sunnat
of the Prophet Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam in the other.
*.Fanah (lost in the remembrance of ALLAH SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala), it's
explanation is the eradication of ignorance, to obtain knowledge and
destroy desires and neglectfulness, to adopt constant remembrance of
ALLAH SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala. This quality now becomes to constant and
that's when the person is totally absorbed in ALLAH SubHanuhu wa
Ta'ala 's love as a result he becomes immortal by self destruction.
*.Acceptance are of 2 types – firstly the acceptance of the servant by
the supreme master (ALLAH SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala) and secondly the
acceptance of the master by the servant ie. His every action and every
decision is either followed or pleasurable in its prohibition. That
person sees the "Hand" of ALLAH SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala in every bounty
and he regards sorrow and happiness, life and death as the bounties of
ALLAH SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala.
*.Tasawwuf (Sufism, Mysticism) has a few levels, firstly forgiveness,
Secondly – Inclination towards ALLAH SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala, Thirdly –
abstinence from the pleasures of the World, Fourthly – Total reliance
on ALLAH SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala.
*.To worship successfully the position of manifestations and
observations is reached.
*.Oh! Dear friends, seek knowledge, learn knowledge and practice on
that knowledge.
*.A poor person is he who possesses nothing in the World nor does he
wish to possess anything nor does he show sorrow at the loss of any
Worldly possession.
*.Marriage is lawful for every man and woman. He who can support a
wife and family, then it is Sunnah for him but he who cannot safeguard
himself from Haram, it becomes Fard upon him to marry.
*.The most excellent form of Ibadah is to oppose your desires.
*.The example of the soul is similar to Shaytan and to oppose it is
the wonder of worship.
Personalities, - Hazrat Baba Farid ul-DinMasud Ganj e Shakar
Hadrat Baba Farid al-Din Mas'ud
Ganj-e-Shakar Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho
Blessed Birth
Hadrat Baba Farid al-Din Ganj-e-Shakar Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho was
born on the 29th Sha'ban in 569 A.H. [April 4, 1179 C.E.] in Khotwal,
a village near Lahore . He is the direct descendant of Hadrat Umar
Farooq Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho, the second Caliph of Islam.
Genealogy tracing back to Hadrat Umar Ibn al-Khattab
1. Hadrat Umar Bin Khattab, second Caliph
2. Hadrat Abdullah Ibn Umar
3. Nasir
4. Sulaiman
5. Adham, King of Balkh and Bukhara
6. Ibrahim Bin Adham aka Abou Ben Adham
7. Ishaq
8. Abul Fatah
9. Abdullah Waa'iz Kobra
10. Abdullah Waa'iz Soghra
11. Masood
12. Sulaiman
13. Ishaq
14. Muhammad
15. Naseeruddin
16. Farrukh Shah Kabuli, King of Afghanistan
17. Shahabuddin Kabuli
18. Muhammed
19. Yousuf
20. Ahmed, died fighting Hulaku Khan
21. Shoaib
22. Jamaluddin Sulaiman
23. Baba Fareed Gunj Shakar
It is narrated that a miracle occurred before his birth proving his
Saintship. One day, during the pregnancy of his mother, she wanted to
pluck some plums from her neighbour's tree without his permission, but
the child in her womb (Hadrat Baba Farid) created a severe pain in her
stomach that forced her to abandon the idea of plucking. After a few
years after Hadrat Baba Farid's Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho birth, his
mother lovingly expressed: "My dear son, during your confinement I
never ate anything which was unlawful." Hadrat Baba Farid Radi Allahu
Ta'ala Anho, however, smiled and said, "But, my dear mother, you
wanted to pluck some plums from our neighbour's tree without his
permission when I had created a severe pain in your stomach which
saved you from this unlawful act."
Hadrat Shaikh Nizamud Deen says that once while Hadrat Shaykh Faridud
Deen's mother was performing Salaat, a thief entered. When he gazed at
her, he immediately became blind. The thief cried out: "I came with
the intention of stealing and have become blind. I pledge never to
steal again."
At this time Hadrat's age was approximately 6 years. He made dua and
the man's sight was restored. In the morning he came with his entire
family and accepted Islam. He was named Abdullah. He remained in
Hadrat's service to the end.
Early Education
After he had completed his early religious education at the age of 7
in Khotwal, his mother sent him for higher education to Multan. Here
he stayed in a masjid where he learnt the Holy Qur'an by heart and
studied Hadith, Fiqh, Philosophy and Logic under the tutorship of
Mawlana Minhajuddin.
Under Spiritual Guidance of Khwaja Qutbuddin Baktiar Kaki Alaihir raHmah
During his studies, Hadrat Khwaja Qutbuddin Baktiar Kaki Radi Allahu
Ta'ala Anho of Delhi visited Multan where Hadrat Baba Farid Radi
Allahu Ta'ala Anho became his Murid (disciple) in the Chishtiyya
Silsila. Upon the instructions of his Pir-o-Murshid, he undertook a
tour of Islamic countries, for about 18 years from 593 A.H. to 611
A.H. [1196 C.E. to 1214 C.E.] he traveled to Ghazni, Baghdad Sharif,
Jerusalem, Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, Makkah Mukarrama and Madinah
al-Munawwarah meeting many great saints and Sufis. After the demise of
Hadrat Khwaja Qutbuddin Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho the mantle of
spiritual leadership in the Chishtiyya Silsila fell on the shoulders
of Hadrat Baba Farid Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho when Khwaja Qutbuddin
Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho nominated him to be his Khalifa or spiritual
Baba Farid's Sufi Order
1. Hasan al-Basri
2. Abdul Waahid Bin Zaid
3. Fudhail Bin Iyadh
4. Ibrahim Bin Adham
5. Huzaifah Al-Mar'ashi
6. Abu Hubairah Basri
7. Mumshad Dinawari
8. Abu Ishaq Shami
9. Abu Ahmad Abdal
10. Abu Muhammad Bin Abi Ahmad
11. Abu Yusuf Bin Saamaan
12. Maudood Chishti
13. Shareef Zandani
14. Usman Harooni
15. Moinuddin Chishti
16. Qutbuddin Bakhtiar Kaki
17. Fariduddin Ganj Shakar
Journeys and Mujahida
It is narrated that when Hadrat Baba Farid Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho
visited Madina Sharif he was spiritually commanded by the Holy Prophet
Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam to visit Baghdad Sharif and meet Hadrat
Abdul Wahab, son of Hadrat Ghaus-al-Azam Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani
Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho. He was to receive some sacred relics from
him. Accordingly, when he reached Baghdad Sharif, he received a box
from Hadrat Abdul Wahab Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho which contained the
following holy relics: Two flag-poles which were used by the Holy
Prophet Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam in some of the battles fought by
him; one wooden bowl in which the Prophet Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam
used to eat from; one pair of scissors and one turban which was used
by the holy Prophet Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam.
Because of political upheavals in Delhi, he was obliged to shift the
centre of the Chishtiyya mission from Delhi to Ajodhan now known as
"Pak Patan". The Khanqah of Baba Farid Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho, with
his patronage, became a great university of "moral and spiritual
training." Thousands of aspirants, scholars, dervishes and Sufis
reaped benefit from this spiritual university. Hadrat Baba Farid Radi
Allahu Ta'ala Anho reached the pinnacle of spiritual glory through
extremely hard Mujahidas (spiritual striving) to gain mastery over the
Why Called "Ganj Shakar"?
There are several views for him being known by his famous title of
Shakar Ganj. When he decided on mujaahidah, his Shaikh advised hunger.
He therefore began fasting. After three days a man came and presented
some bread. Thinking this to be by divine direction, he accepted and
ate the bread. Within a few moments he became nauseous and vomited out
whatever he had eaten. He reported this incident to his Shaykh who
"After three days you ate the food of a drunkard. Shukr unto Allah
that the food did not remain in your stomach. Now remain hungry for
another three days and then eat what comes from the Ghaib."
After three days nothing came. He was overcome by weakness. On account
of the extreme hunger he put some pebbles into his mouth. The pebbles
turned into sugar. Fearing that this may be some deception, he spat it
out. A short while later, the extreme hunger again constrained him to
put pebbles into his mouth. These too became sugar which he again spat
out. This happened again for a third time. In the morning he reported
to his Shaykh who said:
"It would have been good if you had ate it."
Since that day he was called Shakar Ganj.
It is also narrated that once a trader was taking a caravan of camels
laden with sugar from Multan to Delhi. When he was passing through
Ajodhan, Hadrat Baba Fariduddin Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho enquired
casually as to what he was carrying on his camels. The trader
sarcastically replied, "It is salt." Hadrat Baba Fariduddin Radi
Allahu Ta'ala Anho also affirmed, "Yes, it may be salt." When the
trader reached Delhi, he was awfully perturbed to find that all his
bags of sugar had turned to salt. He immediately returned to Ajodhan
and apologized before Hadrat Baba Farid Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho.
Hadrat Baba Farid Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho said: "If it is sugar then
it shall be sugar." The trader returned to Delhi and was pleased to
find that the salt had turned back to sugar by the Grace of Almighty
Allah. This is how Hadrat Baba Sahib Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho received
the title of "Ganj-e- Shakar."
An staunch devotee of Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam
He fasted throughout his life and maintained his nightly prayers and
devotions. Fear of Allah always dominated him. He was an staunch
devotee of Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam and dedicated
his entire life to the veneration of the beloved Prophet's Sallallaho
Alaihi wa Sallam immortal glory. At the mention of the Holy Prophet's
Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam character he would often weep out of his
love and devotion. Hadrat Baba Farid Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho avoided
kings, government officials and the rich. He also warned his Khalifas,
devotees and Murids to avoid their company. He was a living picture of
humility. Whatever he received was spent in the name of Allah and his
chest overwhelmed with mercy and forgiveness. Many miracles are
attributed to him during his lifetime and after his passing away.
Anecdotes of Hadrat Baba Farid
One of the devotees of Hadrat Baba Farid Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho named
Mohammed Nishapuri lived in Gujrat and was going to Delhi with three
other companions. On their way through the jungle, robbers encountered
them. Mohammed Nishapuri and his companions had no weapons to defend
themselves. In such a helpless state, Mohammed Nishapuri remembered
his Pir, Hadrat Baba Farid Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho, and also offered
prayers seeking Allah's help in their predicament. Surprisingly, the
robbers threw away their weapons and offered an apology to the party
and went away.
One day some poor people came from Arabia to see Hadrat Baba Farid
Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho and said that they were strangers to the land
and that all their money was spent before the end of the journey.
Hadrat Baba Farid Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho gave them some dried dates
which were lying in front of him at the moment and said, "Take them
and go. Your journey shall be completed by the Grace of Allah."
Apparently, these persons were very disappointed with such a "cheap
gift". After leaving the Khanqah, they wanted to throw away the dates,
but just as they were about to do so, to their amazement, the dates
turned into gold. Regretting their thoughts, these people left happily
uttering their heartfelt gratitude and prayers for Hadrat Baba Farid
Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho.
Once seven hundred holy men were sitting together. An inquirer put
them four questions to which Baba Farid replied.
Q.1 Who is the wisest of men?
A.1 He who refrain from Sin.
Q.2 Who is the most intelligent?
A.2 He who is not disconcerted at anything.
Q.3 Who is most independent?
A.3 He who practices contentment.
Q.4 Who is the most needy?
A.4 He who practice it not.
Once an old woman came to Baba Fairid Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho and said
that her son had disappeared some twenty years ago and that his
whereabouts had not been traced since then. She requested him to pray
for her son's return. Baba Farid Radi Allah Anhu went into a trance
and after some contemplation told to the old woman:" Go, your son has
reached home.'' The old woman was overjoyed to learn this and met her
son on her way home.
The Officer-in charge of Lahore sent Baba Fairid Radi Allahu Ta'ala
Anho one hundred Dinars through someone. The man kept fifty Dinars for
himself and offered the remaining fifty to him. Accepting the fifty
Dinars he told him: "Indeed, you have divided them equally well.'' The
man was ashamed. Baba Farid Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho returned the fifty
Dinars to the man too, warning him that criminal breach of trust is a
sin that render's all prayers futile and ineffective.
Once, due to utter weakness, Hadrat Baba Farid Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho
helped himself to walk with the aid of a staff. But after a few steps,
the colour of his face suddenly became purple, as if he was under
heavy pressure. He threw away the staff. When Hadrat Khwaja Nizamuddin
Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho, who was escorting him, inquired the reason
for this, Hadrat Baba Farid Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho replied, "I wanted
to take help of the staff, but Allah's Displeasure frowned upon me for
depending on other's help instead of His. I, therefore, threw away the
staff and felt highly ashamed of this weakness in my faith in Lord,
the Almighty."
A man came to Baba Farid Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho once and submitted
that he had no son, and requested Baba Farid Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho
to pray for one. Thereupon, Hadrat Baba Farid Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho
said that he had given him seven sons. After some years, the person
came to him again, but this time, He was not alone, but accompanied by
his seven sons.
Journey to other World
On the 5th of Muharram, during the Isha prayer while in the act of
Sajdah, he uttered "Ya Haiyyu Ya Qauyum" [O Self-Subsisting, O
Eternal] and with these words on his lips his soul disappeared into
the eternal bliss of his Lord Almighty.
An old woman that was one of the devotees of the Saint presented a
piece of cloth for the kaffan of Hadrat Baba Farid Radi Allahu Ta'ala
Anho. She implored:
"I have not spun even a single thread of this cloth without having
Wudu . I had prepared it for my own coffin but if it is accepted for
the kaffan of this great Saint, I feel confident, Allah would be
pleased with to pardon my sins and grant me salvation."
Hadrat Baba Farid's Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho son accepted this cloth as
the Kaffan.
Mazar Sharif
His Mazar Sharif is in Pak Patan, Pakistan. Hadrat Sabir Pak, Hadrat
Nizamuddin Auliya and Hadrat Jamaluddin Hansi rehmatulla alaihim are
among his favorite Murids and Khalifas. It is generally recognized
that he had three wives and many children. Hadrat Baba Farid Radi
Allahu Ta'ala Anho was indeed one of the most brilliant stars of the
Chishtiyya Order and is held in high esteem by one and all.
My restlessness has reached such a level - I spend morning and evening
in your love.
Look upon me now with a merciful eye! Salutations to you, do now make
my heart pleased, O Faridudeen Gunj e Shakar!
Golden Words of Wisdom
by Baba Farid al-Din Mas'ud Ganj-e-Shakar Alaihir raHmah
*.Stay away from jealousy if you want tranquility in your heart.
*.The termination of self consciousness occurs with that ibaadah in
which both the head and heart bow down.
*.Only that heart can become the treasury of wisdom and intellect in
which there is no love for this World.
*.That which people regard as trouble is but only a gift from the
beloved Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala, regard it as a demand made by love.
*.The completion of man occurs with 3 things – Fear, Expectation and
Love. The fear of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala stops one from sin.
Expectation keeps on steadfast on following commands and orders. Love
makes one see only the pleasing of the beloved.
*.A Dervish is that person who keeps his eyes, mouth and ears closed,
i.e. He hears, sees or speaks no evil.
*.Never forget Death under any circumstances.
*.Avoid all quarrelling & polemics.
*.Non-violence is the most beautiful ornament of Peaceful life.
Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of Allah's love.
There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.-
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Ganj-e-Shakar Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho
Blessed Birth
Hadrat Baba Farid al-Din Ganj-e-Shakar Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho was
born on the 29th Sha'ban in 569 A.H. [April 4, 1179 C.E.] in Khotwal,
a village near Lahore . He is the direct descendant of Hadrat Umar
Farooq Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho, the second Caliph of Islam.
Genealogy tracing back to Hadrat Umar Ibn al-Khattab
1. Hadrat Umar Bin Khattab, second Caliph
2. Hadrat Abdullah Ibn Umar
3. Nasir
4. Sulaiman
5. Adham, King of Balkh and Bukhara
6. Ibrahim Bin Adham aka Abou Ben Adham
7. Ishaq
8. Abul Fatah
9. Abdullah Waa'iz Kobra
10. Abdullah Waa'iz Soghra
11. Masood
12. Sulaiman
13. Ishaq
14. Muhammad
15. Naseeruddin
16. Farrukh Shah Kabuli, King of Afghanistan
17. Shahabuddin Kabuli
18. Muhammed
19. Yousuf
20. Ahmed, died fighting Hulaku Khan
21. Shoaib
22. Jamaluddin Sulaiman
23. Baba Fareed Gunj Shakar
It is narrated that a miracle occurred before his birth proving his
Saintship. One day, during the pregnancy of his mother, she wanted to
pluck some plums from her neighbour's tree without his permission, but
the child in her womb (Hadrat Baba Farid) created a severe pain in her
stomach that forced her to abandon the idea of plucking. After a few
years after Hadrat Baba Farid's Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho birth, his
mother lovingly expressed: "My dear son, during your confinement I
never ate anything which was unlawful." Hadrat Baba Farid Radi Allahu
Ta'ala Anho, however, smiled and said, "But, my dear mother, you
wanted to pluck some plums from our neighbour's tree without his
permission when I had created a severe pain in your stomach which
saved you from this unlawful act."
Hadrat Shaikh Nizamud Deen says that once while Hadrat Shaykh Faridud
Deen's mother was performing Salaat, a thief entered. When he gazed at
her, he immediately became blind. The thief cried out: "I came with
the intention of stealing and have become blind. I pledge never to
steal again."
At this time Hadrat's age was approximately 6 years. He made dua and
the man's sight was restored. In the morning he came with his entire
family and accepted Islam. He was named Abdullah. He remained in
Hadrat's service to the end.
Early Education
After he had completed his early religious education at the age of 7
in Khotwal, his mother sent him for higher education to Multan. Here
he stayed in a masjid where he learnt the Holy Qur'an by heart and
studied Hadith, Fiqh, Philosophy and Logic under the tutorship of
Mawlana Minhajuddin.
Under Spiritual Guidance of Khwaja Qutbuddin Baktiar Kaki Alaihir raHmah
During his studies, Hadrat Khwaja Qutbuddin Baktiar Kaki Radi Allahu
Ta'ala Anho of Delhi visited Multan where Hadrat Baba Farid Radi
Allahu Ta'ala Anho became his Murid (disciple) in the Chishtiyya
Silsila. Upon the instructions of his Pir-o-Murshid, he undertook a
tour of Islamic countries, for about 18 years from 593 A.H. to 611
A.H. [1196 C.E. to 1214 C.E.] he traveled to Ghazni, Baghdad Sharif,
Jerusalem, Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, Makkah Mukarrama and Madinah
al-Munawwarah meeting many great saints and Sufis. After the demise of
Hadrat Khwaja Qutbuddin Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho the mantle of
spiritual leadership in the Chishtiyya Silsila fell on the shoulders
of Hadrat Baba Farid Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho when Khwaja Qutbuddin
Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho nominated him to be his Khalifa or spiritual
Baba Farid's Sufi Order
1. Hasan al-Basri
2. Abdul Waahid Bin Zaid
3. Fudhail Bin Iyadh
4. Ibrahim Bin Adham
5. Huzaifah Al-Mar'ashi
6. Abu Hubairah Basri
7. Mumshad Dinawari
8. Abu Ishaq Shami
9. Abu Ahmad Abdal
10. Abu Muhammad Bin Abi Ahmad
11. Abu Yusuf Bin Saamaan
12. Maudood Chishti
13. Shareef Zandani
14. Usman Harooni
15. Moinuddin Chishti
16. Qutbuddin Bakhtiar Kaki
17. Fariduddin Ganj Shakar
Journeys and Mujahida
It is narrated that when Hadrat Baba Farid Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho
visited Madina Sharif he was spiritually commanded by the Holy Prophet
Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam to visit Baghdad Sharif and meet Hadrat
Abdul Wahab, son of Hadrat Ghaus-al-Azam Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani
Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho. He was to receive some sacred relics from
him. Accordingly, when he reached Baghdad Sharif, he received a box
from Hadrat Abdul Wahab Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho which contained the
following holy relics: Two flag-poles which were used by the Holy
Prophet Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam in some of the battles fought by
him; one wooden bowl in which the Prophet Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam
used to eat from; one pair of scissors and one turban which was used
by the holy Prophet Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam.
Because of political upheavals in Delhi, he was obliged to shift the
centre of the Chishtiyya mission from Delhi to Ajodhan now known as
"Pak Patan". The Khanqah of Baba Farid Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho, with
his patronage, became a great university of "moral and spiritual
training." Thousands of aspirants, scholars, dervishes and Sufis
reaped benefit from this spiritual university. Hadrat Baba Farid Radi
Allahu Ta'ala Anho reached the pinnacle of spiritual glory through
extremely hard Mujahidas (spiritual striving) to gain mastery over the
Why Called "Ganj Shakar"?
There are several views for him being known by his famous title of
Shakar Ganj. When he decided on mujaahidah, his Shaikh advised hunger.
He therefore began fasting. After three days a man came and presented
some bread. Thinking this to be by divine direction, he accepted and
ate the bread. Within a few moments he became nauseous and vomited out
whatever he had eaten. He reported this incident to his Shaykh who
"After three days you ate the food of a drunkard. Shukr unto Allah
that the food did not remain in your stomach. Now remain hungry for
another three days and then eat what comes from the Ghaib."
After three days nothing came. He was overcome by weakness. On account
of the extreme hunger he put some pebbles into his mouth. The pebbles
turned into sugar. Fearing that this may be some deception, he spat it
out. A short while later, the extreme hunger again constrained him to
put pebbles into his mouth. These too became sugar which he again spat
out. This happened again for a third time. In the morning he reported
to his Shaykh who said:
"It would have been good if you had ate it."
Since that day he was called Shakar Ganj.
It is also narrated that once a trader was taking a caravan of camels
laden with sugar from Multan to Delhi. When he was passing through
Ajodhan, Hadrat Baba Fariduddin Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho enquired
casually as to what he was carrying on his camels. The trader
sarcastically replied, "It is salt." Hadrat Baba Fariduddin Radi
Allahu Ta'ala Anho also affirmed, "Yes, it may be salt." When the
trader reached Delhi, he was awfully perturbed to find that all his
bags of sugar had turned to salt. He immediately returned to Ajodhan
and apologized before Hadrat Baba Farid Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho.
Hadrat Baba Farid Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho said: "If it is sugar then
it shall be sugar." The trader returned to Delhi and was pleased to
find that the salt had turned back to sugar by the Grace of Almighty
Allah. This is how Hadrat Baba Sahib Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho received
the title of "Ganj-e- Shakar."
An staunch devotee of Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam
He fasted throughout his life and maintained his nightly prayers and
devotions. Fear of Allah always dominated him. He was an staunch
devotee of Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam and dedicated
his entire life to the veneration of the beloved Prophet's Sallallaho
Alaihi wa Sallam immortal glory. At the mention of the Holy Prophet's
Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam character he would often weep out of his
love and devotion. Hadrat Baba Farid Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho avoided
kings, government officials and the rich. He also warned his Khalifas,
devotees and Murids to avoid their company. He was a living picture of
humility. Whatever he received was spent in the name of Allah and his
chest overwhelmed with mercy and forgiveness. Many miracles are
attributed to him during his lifetime and after his passing away.
Anecdotes of Hadrat Baba Farid
One of the devotees of Hadrat Baba Farid Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho named
Mohammed Nishapuri lived in Gujrat and was going to Delhi with three
other companions. On their way through the jungle, robbers encountered
them. Mohammed Nishapuri and his companions had no weapons to defend
themselves. In such a helpless state, Mohammed Nishapuri remembered
his Pir, Hadrat Baba Farid Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho, and also offered
prayers seeking Allah's help in their predicament. Surprisingly, the
robbers threw away their weapons and offered an apology to the party
and went away.
One day some poor people came from Arabia to see Hadrat Baba Farid
Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho and said that they were strangers to the land
and that all their money was spent before the end of the journey.
Hadrat Baba Farid Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho gave them some dried dates
which were lying in front of him at the moment and said, "Take them
and go. Your journey shall be completed by the Grace of Allah."
Apparently, these persons were very disappointed with such a "cheap
gift". After leaving the Khanqah, they wanted to throw away the dates,
but just as they were about to do so, to their amazement, the dates
turned into gold. Regretting their thoughts, these people left happily
uttering their heartfelt gratitude and prayers for Hadrat Baba Farid
Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho.
Once seven hundred holy men were sitting together. An inquirer put
them four questions to which Baba Farid replied.
Q.1 Who is the wisest of men?
A.1 He who refrain from Sin.
Q.2 Who is the most intelligent?
A.2 He who is not disconcerted at anything.
Q.3 Who is most independent?
A.3 He who practices contentment.
Q.4 Who is the most needy?
A.4 He who practice it not.
Once an old woman came to Baba Fairid Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho and said
that her son had disappeared some twenty years ago and that his
whereabouts had not been traced since then. She requested him to pray
for her son's return. Baba Farid Radi Allah Anhu went into a trance
and after some contemplation told to the old woman:" Go, your son has
reached home.'' The old woman was overjoyed to learn this and met her
son on her way home.
The Officer-in charge of Lahore sent Baba Fairid Radi Allahu Ta'ala
Anho one hundred Dinars through someone. The man kept fifty Dinars for
himself and offered the remaining fifty to him. Accepting the fifty
Dinars he told him: "Indeed, you have divided them equally well.'' The
man was ashamed. Baba Farid Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho returned the fifty
Dinars to the man too, warning him that criminal breach of trust is a
sin that render's all prayers futile and ineffective.
Once, due to utter weakness, Hadrat Baba Farid Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho
helped himself to walk with the aid of a staff. But after a few steps,
the colour of his face suddenly became purple, as if he was under
heavy pressure. He threw away the staff. When Hadrat Khwaja Nizamuddin
Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho, who was escorting him, inquired the reason
for this, Hadrat Baba Farid Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho replied, "I wanted
to take help of the staff, but Allah's Displeasure frowned upon me for
depending on other's help instead of His. I, therefore, threw away the
staff and felt highly ashamed of this weakness in my faith in Lord,
the Almighty."
A man came to Baba Farid Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho once and submitted
that he had no son, and requested Baba Farid Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho
to pray for one. Thereupon, Hadrat Baba Farid Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho
said that he had given him seven sons. After some years, the person
came to him again, but this time, He was not alone, but accompanied by
his seven sons.
Journey to other World
On the 5th of Muharram, during the Isha prayer while in the act of
Sajdah, he uttered "Ya Haiyyu Ya Qauyum" [O Self-Subsisting, O
Eternal] and with these words on his lips his soul disappeared into
the eternal bliss of his Lord Almighty.
An old woman that was one of the devotees of the Saint presented a
piece of cloth for the kaffan of Hadrat Baba Farid Radi Allahu Ta'ala
Anho. She implored:
"I have not spun even a single thread of this cloth without having
Wudu . I had prepared it for my own coffin but if it is accepted for
the kaffan of this great Saint, I feel confident, Allah would be
pleased with to pardon my sins and grant me salvation."
Hadrat Baba Farid's Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho son accepted this cloth as
the Kaffan.
Mazar Sharif
His Mazar Sharif is in Pak Patan, Pakistan. Hadrat Sabir Pak, Hadrat
Nizamuddin Auliya and Hadrat Jamaluddin Hansi rehmatulla alaihim are
among his favorite Murids and Khalifas. It is generally recognized
that he had three wives and many children. Hadrat Baba Farid Radi
Allahu Ta'ala Anho was indeed one of the most brilliant stars of the
Chishtiyya Order and is held in high esteem by one and all.
My restlessness has reached such a level - I spend morning and evening
in your love.
Look upon me now with a merciful eye! Salutations to you, do now make
my heart pleased, O Faridudeen Gunj e Shakar!
Golden Words of Wisdom
by Baba Farid al-Din Mas'ud Ganj-e-Shakar Alaihir raHmah
*.Stay away from jealousy if you want tranquility in your heart.
*.The termination of self consciousness occurs with that ibaadah in
which both the head and heart bow down.
*.Only that heart can become the treasury of wisdom and intellect in
which there is no love for this World.
*.That which people regard as trouble is but only a gift from the
beloved Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala, regard it as a demand made by love.
*.The completion of man occurs with 3 things – Fear, Expectation and
Love. The fear of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala stops one from sin.
Expectation keeps on steadfast on following commands and orders. Love
makes one see only the pleasing of the beloved.
*.A Dervish is that person who keeps his eyes, mouth and ears closed,
i.e. He hears, sees or speaks no evil.
*.Never forget Death under any circumstances.
*.Avoid all quarrelling & polemics.
*.Non-violence is the most beautiful ornament of Peaceful life.
Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of Allah's love.
There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.-
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General Articles, - Allah (God) breathed his spirit into man
After trying to resolve the issue of how red is perceived inside the
brain, how the sound of pleasant music is interpreted differently
from chewing a steak and why even the most detailed MRI provides no
evidence regarding the interpretation mechanism involved, Jeffrey
M. Schwartz, a neuroscientist and research professor of psychiatry
at the UCLA School of Medicine, goes on to ask the following
important question:
...why would studying brain mechanisms, even down to the molecular
level, ever provide an answer to those questions?
The answer is this: Because the answer to the interpreting
mechanism is not in the brain at all. It is impossible to come by
the answers to questions regarding this mechanism by studying human
cells, examining neurons or performing research at the molecular
level. That is because what causes a person to perceive the outside
world is not inside the human body. It is something outside the
brain, neurons, cells or electric signals. It is the soul bestowed
on us by Almighty Allah.
Reveals Allah in one verse:
… then [He] formed him and breathed His Spirit into him and gave you
hearing, sight and hearts. What little thanks you show! (Surat
as-Sajda, 9)
People who fail to understand that it is the soul that perceives,
and that it is independent of matter, are making a very important
mistake: They face the possibility that the images they see exist
on a screen in their brains. Yet when we consider that there is a
screen in our brains on which the outside world exists, we also have
no choice but to admit the existence of a little man watching that
screen. And there must be another little man watching the screen in
the brain of the first, and so on. But there is no screen and no
other little man watching the events on it in the brain. The human
brain is pitch black and silent. There is nothing there but neurons
made up of proteins and electric signals moving very swiftly back
and forth. It is impossible for those electric signals to see a
flower, smell it, touch it, delight in it, see a ship sailing in the
distance or enjoy the taste of a strawberry--all in a piece of flesh.
It is impossible for them to experience a prolonged period of
enjoyment of an orchestral symphony. It is obviously not electrical
signals that produce such a lively, bustling, brightly colored,
vivid, three- dimensional and perfectly sharp world. And there is
also no doubt that it is not electric signals that cause one to
rejoice or grieve, to feel excitement or concern, to remember and
feel happy, or to miss someone and satisfy that longing. Even if the
world's most renowned professors were to work together, as Jeffrey
M. Schwartz says, they still would not find this perception
mechanism anywhere in the brain.
The self-conscious entity that says "I see" the images and "I hear"
the sounds in the brain is the soul given to man by Allah. This is
the reality that the materialist mindset is most unwilling of all
to see revealed. The soul sees without the need for eyes, touches
without the need for hands, hears without the need for ears, smells
without the need for a nose and tastes without the need for a
mouth. The soul is the only answer to the question of "who does the
perceiving?" which scientists have been trying to resolve for
years. Allah constantly shows images to the human soul and, day and
night, whether in this world or in dreams, creates a whole world
for them. Everything in that world has a perfect and flawless
appearance. So much so that it is very difficult for us to realize
that the sharp image and sensation of depth in front of us consists
merely of an illusion and has no connection with the real outside
world. This is the flawless, matchless, glorious work of our
Almighty Lord, Who has the power to create infinite worlds in an
area just a few centimeters in size whenever He chooses.
He is Allah – the Creator, the Maker, the Giver of Form. To Him
belong the Most Beautiful Names. Everything in the heavens and Earth
glorifies Him. He is the Almighty, the All-Wise. (Surat al-Hashr,
A flawless image forms in our brains because Allah so wills. There
are smells there because He so wills and we listen to and enjoy
immaculate music because He so wishes. We also feel and recognize
things by touching them because Allah so wills. The food we eat has
flavor because that is what Allah wills. A whole world emerges in
the human mind from nothing at Allah's command. Our Lord creates a
world from nothing in a person's mind that belongs to that person
alone, that only he can see and recognize. This world is not the
outside world. It is impossible to have direct contact with the
world outside. It is impossible, unless Allah so wills, for anyone
to have direct experience of a world created for someone else. One
can only live in and watch a world created for oneself alone by
Allah. It is impossible to step outside it. In another verse, Allah
They will ask you about the Spirit. Say: "The Spirit is one of the
commands of my Lord. You have only been given a little knowledge."
(Surat al-Isra', 85)
i Jeffrey M. Schwartz, Sharon Begley, The Mind and The Brain:
Neuroplasticity and the Power of Mental Force , Regan Books, 2003, p.
brain, how the sound of pleasant music is interpreted differently
from chewing a steak and why even the most detailed MRI provides no
evidence regarding the interpretation mechanism involved, Jeffrey
M. Schwartz, a neuroscientist and research professor of psychiatry
at the UCLA School of Medicine, goes on to ask the following
important question:
...why would studying brain mechanisms, even down to the molecular
level, ever provide an answer to those questions?
The answer is this: Because the answer to the interpreting
mechanism is not in the brain at all. It is impossible to come by
the answers to questions regarding this mechanism by studying human
cells, examining neurons or performing research at the molecular
level. That is because what causes a person to perceive the outside
world is not inside the human body. It is something outside the
brain, neurons, cells or electric signals. It is the soul bestowed
on us by Almighty Allah.
Reveals Allah in one verse:
… then [He] formed him and breathed His Spirit into him and gave you
hearing, sight and hearts. What little thanks you show! (Surat
as-Sajda, 9)
People who fail to understand that it is the soul that perceives,
and that it is independent of matter, are making a very important
mistake: They face the possibility that the images they see exist
on a screen in their brains. Yet when we consider that there is a
screen in our brains on which the outside world exists, we also have
no choice but to admit the existence of a little man watching that
screen. And there must be another little man watching the screen in
the brain of the first, and so on. But there is no screen and no
other little man watching the events on it in the brain. The human
brain is pitch black and silent. There is nothing there but neurons
made up of proteins and electric signals moving very swiftly back
and forth. It is impossible for those electric signals to see a
flower, smell it, touch it, delight in it, see a ship sailing in the
distance or enjoy the taste of a strawberry--all in a piece of flesh.
It is impossible for them to experience a prolonged period of
enjoyment of an orchestral symphony. It is obviously not electrical
signals that produce such a lively, bustling, brightly colored,
vivid, three- dimensional and perfectly sharp world. And there is
also no doubt that it is not electric signals that cause one to
rejoice or grieve, to feel excitement or concern, to remember and
feel happy, or to miss someone and satisfy that longing. Even if the
world's most renowned professors were to work together, as Jeffrey
M. Schwartz says, they still would not find this perception
mechanism anywhere in the brain.
The self-conscious entity that says "I see" the images and "I hear"
the sounds in the brain is the soul given to man by Allah. This is
the reality that the materialist mindset is most unwilling of all
to see revealed. The soul sees without the need for eyes, touches
without the need for hands, hears without the need for ears, smells
without the need for a nose and tastes without the need for a
mouth. The soul is the only answer to the question of "who does the
perceiving?" which scientists have been trying to resolve for
years. Allah constantly shows images to the human soul and, day and
night, whether in this world or in dreams, creates a whole world
for them. Everything in that world has a perfect and flawless
appearance. So much so that it is very difficult for us to realize
that the sharp image and sensation of depth in front of us consists
merely of an illusion and has no connection with the real outside
world. This is the flawless, matchless, glorious work of our
Almighty Lord, Who has the power to create infinite worlds in an
area just a few centimeters in size whenever He chooses.
He is Allah – the Creator, the Maker, the Giver of Form. To Him
belong the Most Beautiful Names. Everything in the heavens and Earth
glorifies Him. He is the Almighty, the All-Wise. (Surat al-Hashr,
A flawless image forms in our brains because Allah so wills. There
are smells there because He so wills and we listen to and enjoy
immaculate music because He so wishes. We also feel and recognize
things by touching them because Allah so wills. The food we eat has
flavor because that is what Allah wills. A whole world emerges in
the human mind from nothing at Allah's command. Our Lord creates a
world from nothing in a person's mind that belongs to that person
alone, that only he can see and recognize. This world is not the
outside world. It is impossible to have direct contact with the
world outside. It is impossible, unless Allah so wills, for anyone
to have direct experience of a world created for someone else. One
can only live in and watch a world created for oneself alone by
Allah. It is impossible to step outside it. In another verse, Allah
They will ask you about the Spirit. Say: "The Spirit is one of the
commands of my Lord. You have only been given a little knowledge."
(Surat al-Isra', 85)
i Jeffrey M. Schwartz, Sharon Begley, The Mind and The Brain:
Neuroplasticity and the Power of Mental Force , Regan Books, 2003, p.
General Articles, - Communism's indispensable instinct: Terror
Anarchy and terror are an essential means employed by Marxism and
communism. The founders of communism, Karl Marx and Friedrich
Engels, personally espoused violence and terror. Under Vladimir
Lenin, who put Marx's theory into practice, terror became an
inseparable part of the communist ideology. These words of Lenin's
make this perfectly clear:
We cannot reject terror, as it is the one form of military action
which may be perfectly suitable or even essential at a definite
juncture in battle. (V. I., Lenin: "Where to Begin", Collected Works
, Vol. 5, Moscow, 1961, p. 19)
... WHEN PEOPLE CHARGE US WITH HARSHNESS we wonder how they can
forget the rudiments of Marxism. ("Speech to the All-Russia
Extraordinary Commission Staff," Collected Works , Vol. 28, pp.
In communist thinking, war never ends. And war never ends in
dialectic thinking. There is constant conflict. There is a constant
struggle between opposites and blood will continue to flow until
the dictatorship of the proletariat. There is no bloodless world in
communist thinking. There must be blood and terror and anarchy.
Communism rejects a peaceful world. (From Mr. Adnan Oktar's
interview on July 22, 2011)
Oceans of blood have been shed because of communist ideology in
Russia, China, Korea, Burma and Cuba; millions of people have lost
their lives and as many again were injured.
In the 20th century alone, 120 million men, women, old people,
children and babies lost their lives because of this cold, harsh,
strict and savage ideology known as "communism." And that is just
the official figure. The true number of those who died because of
communist oppression is very much higher.
Those who survived lived in a constant state of fear because
communist ideology regarded terror as an indispensable weapon and
obliged its followers to resort to terror. For example, this is how
Lenin taught his communist comrades to perpetrate acts of terror
against the troops and police officials of the state:
They must arm themselves as best they can (rifles, revolvers,
bombs, knives, knuckle- dusters, sticks, rags soaked in kerosene for
starting fires, ropes or rope ladders, shovels for building
barricades, pyroxylin cartridges, barbed wire, nails, etc., etc.).
Even without arms, the groups can play a most important part: 1) by
leading the mass; 2) by attacking, whenever a favourable opportunity
presents itself, policemen . . . and seizing their arms; 3) by
rescuing the arrested or injured, when there are only few police
about; 4) by getting on to the roofs or upper storeys of houses,
etc., and showering stones or pouring boiling water on the troops,
etc. …
… To launch attacks under favourable circumstances is not only every
revolutionary's right, but his plain duty. The killing of spies,
policemen, gendarmes, the blowing up of police stations, the
liberation of prisoners, the seizure of government funds for the
needs of the uprising. . . every detachment of the revolutionary
army must be ready to start such operations at a moment's notice.
(Lenin, Collected Works , Progress Publishers, 1972, Moscow, Vol. 9,
pp. 420-424)
The propagandists must supply each group with brief and simple
recipes for making bombs… Squads must at once begin military
training by launching operations immediately, at once. Some may at
once undertake to kill a spy or blow up a police station, others to
raid a bank to confiscate funds for the insurrection… (Lenin,
Collected Works , Progress Publishers, 1972, Moscow, Vol. 9, p.
When Lenin spoke at a workers' meeting he described how
indispensable terror was for them in these exceptionally blunt
We can't expect to get anywhere unless we resort to terrorism:
speculators must be shot on the spot. ("Meeting of the Presidium of
the Petrograd Soviet With Delegates From the Food Supply
Organisations," Collected Works , Vol. 26, p. 501)
These lines were handwritten by Lenin himself:
… we are not at all opposed to political killing … Only in direct,
immediate connection with the mass movement can and must individual
terrorist acts be of value. (Lenin, Collected Works , Progress
Publishers, 1976, Moscow, Vol. 35, pp. 237-239)
As we have seen, communism commands death and destruction, the
infliction of fear, panic, alarm and terror, and the killing of a
country's military, police and innocent people without batting an
Under this system, human emotions such as sympathy, pity and
conscience are totally eliminated. In the same way that a wild
animal may have to engage in a fight to the death with members of
its own species in order to obtain food and shelter, so human
beings are expected to behave in the same "animal" way. That is
because communism is based on Darwinism, which teaches the lie that
human beings are supposedly a kind of animal, and that if animals
have to fight to survive, then human beings must behave in the same
Communism ends when bloodshed ends. Communism persists where
bloodshed persists. The dictatorship of the proletariat is built on
blood. Look, they say as much themselves; "A great red Sun will rise
over the horizon of this sea of blood." What else do they need to
say? Look, "A red Sun will rise over the horizon of this sea of
blood." A communist Sun. He says communism will rise. They say they
will shed oceans of blood, so what more need they say? This is in
their slogans and writings and everywhere. (From Mr. Adnan Oktar's
interview on July 22, 2011)
Indeed, when one looks at communist publications one can see this
maniacal bloodlust very clearly.
The Bolshevik newspaper Krasnaya , one of Lenin's most important
backers, defended the shedding of much blood in Russia in these
We will turn our hearts into steel, which we will temper in the fire
of suffering and the blood of fighters for freedom. WE WILL MAKE OUR
ENEMY BLOOD. … Without mercy, without sparing, we will kill our
enemies in scores of hundreds. LET THEM BE THOUSANDS; LET THEM
Uritsky, Zinovief and Volodarski, let there be floods of the blood
of the bourgeois - more blood, as much as possible. (1 September
1918, Bolshevik Newspaper Krasnaya )
The fact that terror is an indispensable element of communism is
clear, not only in Lenin's works, but in the works of and
statements by just about all communist leaders. For example, Felix
Dzerzhinsky, a communist leader of the time, said this in an
Dzerzhinsky, a communist revolutionary of the time, July 14, 1918,
interviewed in Novaia Zhizn )
Leon Trotsky, who was rejected by Leninists for not being
sufficiently cruel and seeking sufficient bloodshed, also
explicitly said there could be no communism without terror:
But the revolution does require of the revolutionary class that it
should attain its end by all methods at its disposal – if necessary,
by an armed rising; if required, by terrorism.
Mao Tse-Tung, the notorious psychopath personally responsible for
the deaths of more than 60 million people, also described how
communism could not be espoused without violence:
A revolution is an insurrection, an act of violence by which one
class overthrows another. (Mao Tse-Tung, Quotations from Chairman
Mao Tse-Tung (aka " The Little Red Book "), Chapter 2: Classes and
Class Struggle)
In Turkey today the PKK, a Marxist, Leninist, Stalinist, communist
organization, also follows this bloodthirsty line. As a result of
Darwinist indoctrination that depicts life as a battleground,
separatist militants are able to slaughter babies, the elderly and
innocent people without the slightest remorse. They martyr our
soldiers and police, and resort to all kinds of terrorist activity.
Since they do not regard themselves and others as entities created
by Allah with souls, intelligence, conscience and understanding,
they do to one another, and other people, what animals do to other
animals. This scourge can only come to an end with the elimination
of Darwinism, the foundation of this savagery.
Wide-ranging, scientific anti-communist and anti-Darwinist
propaganda against this deadly communist and separatist movement
that gathers its supporters by using Marxist-Leninist- communist
propaganda is therefore absolutely essential.
The solution to the PKK is faith and ideas. The PKK wears a face of
faithlessness. There needs to be a counter- force to faithlessness,
and we must oppose faithlessness with faith. What is faith? The
truths of the Qur'an, the facts of the Qur'an, anti-communist,
anti-materialist, anti-Darwinist and anti-Stalinist activity. It is
not silence or offering people a bowl of soup. The fact of religion
must not be ignored. We must accept that we are facing a communist
ideology and communist uprising; ignoring that cannot represent a
rational movement. Turning a blind eye to the facts does not
eradicate those facts. The movement is a communist movement; there
is a Stalinist- communist uprising going on. There needs to be a
scientific, scholarly and rational campaign against it. There is no
other way, no alternative.
communism. The founders of communism, Karl Marx and Friedrich
Engels, personally espoused violence and terror. Under Vladimir
Lenin, who put Marx's theory into practice, terror became an
inseparable part of the communist ideology. These words of Lenin's
make this perfectly clear:
We cannot reject terror, as it is the one form of military action
which may be perfectly suitable or even essential at a definite
juncture in battle. (V. I., Lenin: "Where to Begin", Collected Works
, Vol. 5, Moscow, 1961, p. 19)
... WHEN PEOPLE CHARGE US WITH HARSHNESS we wonder how they can
forget the rudiments of Marxism. ("Speech to the All-Russia
Extraordinary Commission Staff," Collected Works , Vol. 28, pp.
In communist thinking, war never ends. And war never ends in
dialectic thinking. There is constant conflict. There is a constant
struggle between opposites and blood will continue to flow until
the dictatorship of the proletariat. There is no bloodless world in
communist thinking. There must be blood and terror and anarchy.
Communism rejects a peaceful world. (From Mr. Adnan Oktar's
interview on July 22, 2011)
Oceans of blood have been shed because of communist ideology in
Russia, China, Korea, Burma and Cuba; millions of people have lost
their lives and as many again were injured.
In the 20th century alone, 120 million men, women, old people,
children and babies lost their lives because of this cold, harsh,
strict and savage ideology known as "communism." And that is just
the official figure. The true number of those who died because of
communist oppression is very much higher.
Those who survived lived in a constant state of fear because
communist ideology regarded terror as an indispensable weapon and
obliged its followers to resort to terror. For example, this is how
Lenin taught his communist comrades to perpetrate acts of terror
against the troops and police officials of the state:
They must arm themselves as best they can (rifles, revolvers,
bombs, knives, knuckle- dusters, sticks, rags soaked in kerosene for
starting fires, ropes or rope ladders, shovels for building
barricades, pyroxylin cartridges, barbed wire, nails, etc., etc.).
Even without arms, the groups can play a most important part: 1) by
leading the mass; 2) by attacking, whenever a favourable opportunity
presents itself, policemen . . . and seizing their arms; 3) by
rescuing the arrested or injured, when there are only few police
about; 4) by getting on to the roofs or upper storeys of houses,
etc., and showering stones or pouring boiling water on the troops,
etc. …
… To launch attacks under favourable circumstances is not only every
revolutionary's right, but his plain duty. The killing of spies,
policemen, gendarmes, the blowing up of police stations, the
liberation of prisoners, the seizure of government funds for the
needs of the uprising. . . every detachment of the revolutionary
army must be ready to start such operations at a moment's notice.
(Lenin, Collected Works , Progress Publishers, 1972, Moscow, Vol. 9,
pp. 420-424)
The propagandists must supply each group with brief and simple
recipes for making bombs… Squads must at once begin military
training by launching operations immediately, at once. Some may at
once undertake to kill a spy or blow up a police station, others to
raid a bank to confiscate funds for the insurrection… (Lenin,
Collected Works , Progress Publishers, 1972, Moscow, Vol. 9, p.
When Lenin spoke at a workers' meeting he described how
indispensable terror was for them in these exceptionally blunt
We can't expect to get anywhere unless we resort to terrorism:
speculators must be shot on the spot. ("Meeting of the Presidium of
the Petrograd Soviet With Delegates From the Food Supply
Organisations," Collected Works , Vol. 26, p. 501)
These lines were handwritten by Lenin himself:
… we are not at all opposed to political killing … Only in direct,
immediate connection with the mass movement can and must individual
terrorist acts be of value. (Lenin, Collected Works , Progress
Publishers, 1976, Moscow, Vol. 35, pp. 237-239)
As we have seen, communism commands death and destruction, the
infliction of fear, panic, alarm and terror, and the killing of a
country's military, police and innocent people without batting an
Under this system, human emotions such as sympathy, pity and
conscience are totally eliminated. In the same way that a wild
animal may have to engage in a fight to the death with members of
its own species in order to obtain food and shelter, so human
beings are expected to behave in the same "animal" way. That is
because communism is based on Darwinism, which teaches the lie that
human beings are supposedly a kind of animal, and that if animals
have to fight to survive, then human beings must behave in the same
Communism ends when bloodshed ends. Communism persists where
bloodshed persists. The dictatorship of the proletariat is built on
blood. Look, they say as much themselves; "A great red Sun will rise
over the horizon of this sea of blood." What else do they need to
say? Look, "A red Sun will rise over the horizon of this sea of
blood." A communist Sun. He says communism will rise. They say they
will shed oceans of blood, so what more need they say? This is in
their slogans and writings and everywhere. (From Mr. Adnan Oktar's
interview on July 22, 2011)
Indeed, when one looks at communist publications one can see this
maniacal bloodlust very clearly.
The Bolshevik newspaper Krasnaya , one of Lenin's most important
backers, defended the shedding of much blood in Russia in these
We will turn our hearts into steel, which we will temper in the fire
of suffering and the blood of fighters for freedom. WE WILL MAKE OUR
ENEMY BLOOD. … Without mercy, without sparing, we will kill our
enemies in scores of hundreds. LET THEM BE THOUSANDS; LET THEM
Uritsky, Zinovief and Volodarski, let there be floods of the blood
of the bourgeois - more blood, as much as possible. (1 September
1918, Bolshevik Newspaper Krasnaya )
The fact that terror is an indispensable element of communism is
clear, not only in Lenin's works, but in the works of and
statements by just about all communist leaders. For example, Felix
Dzerzhinsky, a communist leader of the time, said this in an
Dzerzhinsky, a communist revolutionary of the time, July 14, 1918,
interviewed in Novaia Zhizn )
Leon Trotsky, who was rejected by Leninists for not being
sufficiently cruel and seeking sufficient bloodshed, also
explicitly said there could be no communism without terror:
But the revolution does require of the revolutionary class that it
should attain its end by all methods at its disposal – if necessary,
by an armed rising; if required, by terrorism.
Mao Tse-Tung, the notorious psychopath personally responsible for
the deaths of more than 60 million people, also described how
communism could not be espoused without violence:
A revolution is an insurrection, an act of violence by which one
class overthrows another. (Mao Tse-Tung, Quotations from Chairman
Mao Tse-Tung (aka " The Little Red Book "), Chapter 2: Classes and
Class Struggle)
In Turkey today the PKK, a Marxist, Leninist, Stalinist, communist
organization, also follows this bloodthirsty line. As a result of
Darwinist indoctrination that depicts life as a battleground,
separatist militants are able to slaughter babies, the elderly and
innocent people without the slightest remorse. They martyr our
soldiers and police, and resort to all kinds of terrorist activity.
Since they do not regard themselves and others as entities created
by Allah with souls, intelligence, conscience and understanding,
they do to one another, and other people, what animals do to other
animals. This scourge can only come to an end with the elimination
of Darwinism, the foundation of this savagery.
Wide-ranging, scientific anti-communist and anti-Darwinist
propaganda against this deadly communist and separatist movement
that gathers its supporters by using Marxist-Leninist- communist
propaganda is therefore absolutely essential.
The solution to the PKK is faith and ideas. The PKK wears a face of
faithlessness. There needs to be a counter- force to faithlessness,
and we must oppose faithlessness with faith. What is faith? The
truths of the Qur'an, the facts of the Qur'an, anti-communist,
anti-materialist, anti-Darwinist and anti-Stalinist activity. It is
not silence or offering people a bowl of soup. The fact of religion
must not be ignored. We must accept that we are facing a communist
ideology and communist uprising; ignoring that cannot represent a
rational movement. Turning a blind eye to the facts does not
eradicate those facts. The movement is a communist movement; there
is a Stalinist- communist uprising going on. There needs to be a
scientific, scholarly and rational campaign against it. There is no
other way, no alternative.
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Personalities, - Blessed Genealogy of Sayedna Ghous Al Aazam
Prophetic Supervision, Alavi star, Batooli Boon ... Hussain's light in
Hasan's Moon
Sayyiduna'sh-Shaykh Muhyyi'd-din 'Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani, al-Hasani,
al-Husaini Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho (may Allah be well pleased with
him!) Born 470 A.H., Passed away 561 A.H. [1077 - 1166 C.E.]
Raza! Imagine how unique is that garden of compassion;
Where in the bud is Zahra, and Flowers are Hussain and Hasan
His "Nisbah" or Blessed Genealogy:
From Exalted Father:
The Supreme Helper, the Lordly Cardinal Pole, the everlasting edifice,
the radiantly shining lamp, the Sultan of the Saints and the Masters
of Direct Knowledge, the proof of the chosen and those who have
reached their spiritual destination, Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala's Gray
Falcon, our patron, our master and our exemplary guide to Allah
SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala , the noble highborn patrician, the chieftain,
- Shaykh Muhyi 'd-Din 'Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani al-Hasani al-Husaini
[may Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala sanctify his splendid innermost being,
and may He illuminate his noble mausoleum],
- son of Imam Sayyid Abu Swalih Musa Jangi Dost Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho,
- son of Imam Sayyid 'Abdullah Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho,
- son of Imam Sayyid Yahya az-Zahid Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho,
- son of Imam Sayyid Muhammad Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho,
- son of Imam Sayyid Da'ud Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho,
- son of Imam Sayyid Musa Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho,
- son of Imam Sayyid Abdullah Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho,
- son of Imam Sayyid Musa al-Jawn Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho,
- son of Imam Sayyid Abdullah al-Mahd Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho,
- son of Imam Sayyid al-Hasan al-Muthanna Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho,
- son of Imam al-Humam Sayyid al-Hasan as-Sibt Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho,
- son of our chief and our patron, the Commander of the Believers,
Abul-Husain 'Ali ibn Abi Talib [may Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala be well
pleased with them all].
From Exalted Mother:
On his mother's side of the family, the line of descent of our revered
master and patron, Shaykh Muhyi'd-Din 'Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani [may
Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala the Exalted be well pleased with him], is as
- He is Sayyid Shaykh Muhyi 'd-Din 'Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani [may Allah
SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala sanctify his luminous innermost being],
- son of Sayyidah Umm al-Khayr Amat al-Jabbar Fatima Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anha,
- daughter of Sayyid 'Abdullah as-Sawma'i az-Zahid Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho,
- son of Sayyid Abu 'Abdi'llah Jamal ad-Din Muhammad Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho,
- son of Sayyid Mahmud Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho,
- son of Sayyid Abul-'Ata' 'Abdullah Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho,
- son of Sayyid Kamal ad-Din 'Esa Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho,
- son of Sayyid Imam Abu 'Abdi'llah 'Ala' ad-Din Muhammad al-Jawad
Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho,
- son of Sayyid Imam 'Ali ar-Rida Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho,
- son of Sayyid Imam Musa al-Kazim Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho,
- son of Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho,
- son of Imam Muhammad al-Baqir Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho,
- son of Imam Zain al-'Abidin 'Ali Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho,
- son of Imam al-Humam al-Husain, the Martyr of Karbala,
- son of Imam al-Humam, the Commander of the Believers, our master
'Ali ibn Abi Talib Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho [may Allah SubHanuhu wa
Ta'ala be well pleased with him, and with them all].
Your illustrious antecessors are Hussain and Hasan;
Both traditions in your personality have become one
Prophetic Rain, Alavi Crop, Batooli Bower ... Hussain's Fragrance in
Hasan's Flower
Hasan's Moon
Sayyiduna'sh-Shaykh Muhyyi'd-din 'Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani, al-Hasani,
al-Husaini Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho (may Allah be well pleased with
him!) Born 470 A.H., Passed away 561 A.H. [1077 - 1166 C.E.]
Raza! Imagine how unique is that garden of compassion;
Where in the bud is Zahra, and Flowers are Hussain and Hasan
His "Nisbah" or Blessed Genealogy:
From Exalted Father:
The Supreme Helper, the Lordly Cardinal Pole, the everlasting edifice,
the radiantly shining lamp, the Sultan of the Saints and the Masters
of Direct Knowledge, the proof of the chosen and those who have
reached their spiritual destination, Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala's Gray
Falcon, our patron, our master and our exemplary guide to Allah
SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala , the noble highborn patrician, the chieftain,
- Shaykh Muhyi 'd-Din 'Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani al-Hasani al-Husaini
[may Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala sanctify his splendid innermost being,
and may He illuminate his noble mausoleum],
- son of Imam Sayyid Abu Swalih Musa Jangi Dost Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho,
- son of Imam Sayyid 'Abdullah Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho,
- son of Imam Sayyid Yahya az-Zahid Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho,
- son of Imam Sayyid Muhammad Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho,
- son of Imam Sayyid Da'ud Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho,
- son of Imam Sayyid Musa Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho,
- son of Imam Sayyid Abdullah Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho,
- son of Imam Sayyid Musa al-Jawn Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho,
- son of Imam Sayyid Abdullah al-Mahd Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho,
- son of Imam Sayyid al-Hasan al-Muthanna Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho,
- son of Imam al-Humam Sayyid al-Hasan as-Sibt Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho,
- son of our chief and our patron, the Commander of the Believers,
Abul-Husain 'Ali ibn Abi Talib [may Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala be well
pleased with them all].
From Exalted Mother:
On his mother's side of the family, the line of descent of our revered
master and patron, Shaykh Muhyi'd-Din 'Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani [may
Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala the Exalted be well pleased with him], is as
- He is Sayyid Shaykh Muhyi 'd-Din 'Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani [may Allah
SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala sanctify his luminous innermost being],
- son of Sayyidah Umm al-Khayr Amat al-Jabbar Fatima Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anha,
- daughter of Sayyid 'Abdullah as-Sawma'i az-Zahid Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho,
- son of Sayyid Abu 'Abdi'llah Jamal ad-Din Muhammad Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho,
- son of Sayyid Mahmud Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho,
- son of Sayyid Abul-'Ata' 'Abdullah Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho,
- son of Sayyid Kamal ad-Din 'Esa Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho,
- son of Sayyid Imam Abu 'Abdi'llah 'Ala' ad-Din Muhammad al-Jawad
Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho,
- son of Sayyid Imam 'Ali ar-Rida Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho,
- son of Sayyid Imam Musa al-Kazim Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho,
- son of Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho,
- son of Imam Muhammad al-Baqir Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho,
- son of Imam Zain al-'Abidin 'Ali Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho,
- son of Imam al-Humam al-Husain, the Martyr of Karbala,
- son of Imam al-Humam, the Commander of the Believers, our master
'Ali ibn Abi Talib Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho [may Allah SubHanuhu wa
Ta'ala be well pleased with him, and with them all].
Your illustrious antecessors are Hussain and Hasan;
Both traditions in your personality have become one
Prophetic Rain, Alavi Crop, Batooli Bower ... Hussain's Fragrance in
Hasan's Flower
Personalities, - Golden Words of Wisdom Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani
*.Though I be in the west and my disciple in the East, if a world goes
to attack him, I know. I will save him.
*.Look towards that person who looks towards you. Love that person
that loves you, listen to that person that listens to you and give
your hands in his hands that are prepared to grasp it.
*.A mans position in life is such that though he is mortal he is
reborn with pleasure in the winds of afflictions. It is that very same
life whose consequence is not death. It is that very same comfort
which has no extreme anguish.
*.That person who has enmity against a well to do companion, he
totally rejects the wisdom and foresight of the sustainers.
*.Many wealthy people because of greed are poor and needy, in reality
the brave person is he who wrestles and defeats the devil of greed and
thereafter becomes independent and without want of need from this
material World.
*.The person who backbites and speaks ill of us are actually our
success because they pay homage to us by writing their good deeds into
our deed books.
*.Look carefully at the previous graves lying in ruin. How the sands
of beautiful people are turning bad.
*.If you do not find the sweetness of doing a good deed then be aware
that you have not done that deed.
*.Disrespect earns the displeasure of the creator and the creation.
*.To please the enemies of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala is beyond
comprehension and wisdom.
*.O! Gifts do not imprison me so that I become unmindful to the benefactor.
*.O! Doers of good deeds giving birth to sincerity in your deeds can
never be a wasted effort.
*.Among the creation, silence is not bravery but rather impatience.
*.The person who cannot educate his own soul, then how is he going to
educate others.
*.The love of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala and the Prophet SallAllaho
Alaihi wa Sallam is intertwined in poverty and starvation.
*.The love of the World generally blinded the eyes, those eyes which
should have been used to identify the specialties of the Almighty
*.The person who becomes aware of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala then he
becomes hospitable towards the creation.
*.Preach only in accordance to religion otherwise remaining dumb is better.
*.To adopt anonymity and unwholesomeness relative to it is peaceful.
*.As long as there remains on this earth one person in your heart whom
you fear or have high expectations of, then until then your Faith is
not complete.
*.Until you still possess arrogance and anger you cannot classify
yourself amongst the learned.
*.That sustenance whose extent is expansive but no thanks is given for
it and that means of livelihood which is difficult but no patience is
shown for it become a source of revolt and mischief.
*.Always hold the best opinions about others and think ill of yourself.
*.O! 'Alim do not soil your knowledge by sitting in the company of
Worldly people.
*.Your speech will tell what is in your heart.
*.An oppressor destroys the World of the oppressed, and his own in the
*.To start something good is your job and to see it completed is the
work of your creator.
*.A wise person first question his heart thereafter speaks with his mouth.
*.To remain alone is protection and safety and to every sin there is a
period of execution.
*.Except for the needs of your children and family do not leave the
house unnecessarily.
*.Endeavor not to start a conversation and your speaking becomes
necessary only to answer a question.
*.Keep your mouth closed from answering unnecessary questions so that
you can remain safe from unnecessary talk.
*.That person who is never distressed, has no virtue.
*.Material people chase the World while the World chases the friends
of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala .
*.This World is a World of exertion for a Mo'min while the hereafter
is a World of relaxation.
*.Suspicion closes all the benefits to be accrued.
*.An understanding person finds no joy in anything, for it has
accountability, for being lawful or a punishment for it being
*.To make the soul receive the truth is its existence while making it
receive failures, errors, falsehood and wrongdoings is its
*.Those who belong to Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala carry out his commands
and even their hearts are reinforced by it. You carry on committing
sin then to you have no fear. This is obvious evidence of betrayal.
Beware; safeguard yourself for you may be caught out unawares when
your allotted time is up.
*.A disrespectful becomes the object of displeasure and wrath of both
the creator and the creation.
*.Iman (Faith) is the root while deeds and actions are its branches.
Therefore stay away from associating with your Iman and sin with your
*.First there is ignorance, thereafter knowledge, then follows
practice upon your knowledge, thereafter sincerity upon that action
and finally comes understanding and wisdom in the heart.
*.If you do not have patience then poverty and sicknesses become a
misfortune and if you adopt patience then it becomes nobility and
*.To gain the happiness of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala is impossible if
you cannot make a poor person happy. The treatment for afflictions
upon oneself is to gain the happiness and pleasure of the poor.
*.Whosoever asks of the creation is blind to the doors of the creator.
*.You are busy in fulfilling the desires and wishes of the soul (nafs)
while the nafs is busy in destroying you.
*.That person is close to Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala who is kind and
affectionate towards the creation.
*.Rejection (kufr) of the divine blessings and providence is contrary
to achieving closeness to the truth.
*.Hundreds of thousands of people just like you have been fattened and
then swallowed by this World.
*.Do not be fooled by your youthful appearance for very soon it would
be taken away from you.
*.Poverty saves one from sin and wealth is a trap for sins regard
poverty as your protector.
*.To make a poor person happy makes one the inheritor of and
undisclosed amount of reward.
*.What are you going to do by taking the bounties? Take the merciful
and compassionate one. Every pious person is from the progeny and
following of Muhammad SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam.
*.He whose fate is ultimately death then what is the need for happiness.
*.People do not regard you with respect because you are proud and vain
but rather they look up to you when you are polite and hospitable.
*.Keep your hearts open only for Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala and to busy
yourself in earning a means of livelihood for your family is also
following the commands.
*.To remember death is the best treatment for all ailments.
*.Worship and prayers breaks unwanted habits and should not be but a habit only.
*.The person who wishes to tame his soul should bridle it with silence
and good etiquettes.
*.Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala asks a loan of his servants and the
messengers of this are the beggars.
*.For the whole period I spent in the companionship of my sheikh
(spiritual guide) I have never seen the whiteness of his teeth.
*.Whenever it is possible reform each morsel for the foundations of
good deeds lies in it.
*.The creation are like children in relation to the saints of Allah
SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala .
*.It is a lie if one says by sitting in the company of those women
with whom relationships are lawful and young boys; one has absolutely
no inclination towards them. Islamic principles (Shari'ah) is neither
definitely not in agreement nor does a sound mind allow for such
conformities and this is total rejection of Shariat for Shari'ah has
never given anyone exemption from this.
*.When the angels do not enter a house in which there are images
pictures then how do you expect Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala to enter
your heart which is full of thousands of statues and idols. Anything
else besides Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala presence in the heart is images
and idols.
*.A visit to the pious person communicates the condition of the person.
*.The key to the closeness to the truth is in private consultations
and journeys.
*.Do not become subservient to the gifts in such a manner that you
forget the bestowal of the gifts.
*.The provisions and luggage undoubtedly is modesty, such that,
because of it, the doors of sovereignty and reality seem closed.
*.It is not becoming of a mo'min to sleep until he has kept his will
and testimony ready.
*.The obedience of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala is by asking and not by desiring.
*.You are busy in building mansions and palaces for others to stay in
while; its accountability rests entirely on you.
*.O! Children of Adam Alaihis Salaam be modest towards Allah SubHanuhu
wa Ta'ala as you would be modest towards your religious neighbor.
*.When a person commits a sin, he closes the doors, draws the veils
and hides from the creation and goes against the commands of the
creator in private, and then the creator says, O! Son of Adam Alaihis
Salaam you have regarded me the least amongst those that can see you
because you found it necessary to hide yourself from the creation yet
you have not shown modesty and shame even equivalent to that of the
creation towards me.
*.It is not beneficial to be a master at speech when you are immature at heart.
*.Be obedient with a direction; don't become obedient to the masses.
*.Do not become a polytheist by regarding your wealth as absolute and
total power of assistance.
*.O! You who make fun of others very soon you will know the answer to
your own fate.
*.O! Munafiqa (Hypocrites) very soon you will see the punishment of
Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala descending upon you in this World and the
hereafter. The times are pregnant and very soon you will see what it
gives birth to.
*.Your actions are proof of your belief and your exterior appearance
is a sign of your interior condition.
*.To turn your face towards the creation is to turn your back towards
Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala .
*.Empty desires are the jungle of stupidity and folly and only the
foolish hustle and bustle aimlessly within it.
*.Make silence your habit, anonymity you clothing, escape from the
creation your aim and if it is possible then dig the hole and sit down
in it. This habit should stay with you until such time that you Iman
(Faith) has reached an age of maturity and is unquestionable.
*.Those that wish the approval of the creation should show patience of
the oppression of the created.
*.Do not turn away from the creator because of some misfortune,
because he may be testing you with it.
*.Moderation is half of one's sustenance (livelihood) and good manners
is half of religion (Deen).
*.O Doers of good deeds! Adopt sincerity otherwise it is wasted effort.
*.If you are afraid of your destination then whichever way or wherever
you look at, you will find that you are surrounded by ferocious
*.Good deeds are done in privacy and not in public except that which
is Fard (compulsory) which is performed in exposure.
*.Everything that you rely on, every person you afraid of or you keep
that trust in, becomes your God.
*.1. Special testimony 2. Making the commands of Allah SubHanuhu wa
Ta'ala compulsory upon yourself 3. Not to fear or trust anyone 4. To
make all your needs aware only to Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala and put
your Faith in him, To ask of him alone and never put your trust in
anyone except Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala .
*.A seeker is not truthful until he places the needs of sustenance of
his companions over and above the sustenance of his soul and desires.
*.Remain honourable among the people, for by revealing your poverty
you will fall in status in their eyes.
*.Meet the wealthy and rich with dignity ad prevalence and the poor
with humility and humbleness.
*.Your keeping the company of careless and negligent people is a sigh
of your carelessness and negligence.
*.To love of the creations is in its well wishing.
*.To give is better than to receive.
*.That person who is generous with the creation then he is close to
Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala .
*.A residence that is fit to be called a house, clothes that cover the
body, a stomach full of sustenance and a wife is not regarded as
Worldly but to face towards the Worldly while showing your back to
your creator is Worldly.
*.Even if you have said Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala aloud, then even
then you would be interrogated whether it was said in sincerity or in
*.When the remembrance of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala finds a place in
the heart then for servant to remember Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala
continuously becomes continuous and everlasting even though the lips
are closed.
*.Carry out the rights that the ruler has upon you and do not question
that which is obligatory upon you.
*.There is greater dignity in the remembrance of Allah SubHanuhu wa
Ta'ala than in death; at the time of cutting someone short by razing
them to the ground and thereafter realising it was fruitless to sow
the seeds of hate.
*.Hide your troubles and you will receive closeness to Allah SubHanuhu
wa Ta'ala .
*.A mo'min leaves his family in the care of the creator while a
munaafiq leaves his family in the care of his dirham and dinaars
*.There are 3 types of creation 1. Angels 2. The Devil 3. Man. The
Angels are entirely good and the devil is entirely bad. Man is a
mixture of good and bad. Whoever is overcome with good he can be
likened to an Angel and whoever is overcome with evil he can be
likened to the devil.
*.Do not laugh with those that are laughing but cry with those that are crying.
*.If your thoughts are with the creator then you are subservient to
the creator. If your thoughts are with the creation then you are
subservient to the creation.
*.Give priority to the hereafter over the World and you will benefit
in both, but priority is given to the World over the hereafter then
you would suffer losses in both.
*.Do not spend even one night in the hate and malice of anybody.
*.The sign of your sincerity is that you praise the creation and you
do not turn your attention towards derogatory remarks nor do you show
greed and avarice towards their wealth but you give your lord his
right and your deeds are for your benefactor and not for the gifts,
for the king and not for the kingdom and for the truth and not for
*.As long as the doors of good health are open to you then regard it
as a blessing for very soon it will be closed upon you. So as long as
you have the strength and power to do good deeds regard it as a
*.It is wrong to claim respect towards your creator as long as you
have no respect whatsoever for his creation.
*.When an 'Alim is not an ascetic then, he is a punishment upon those
that follow him.
*.A Mu'min, as he grows older Faith becomes stronger.
*.To search for good fortune is an unnecessary trouble and to search
for that which is not your destiny is to anger Allah SubHanuhu wa
Ta'ala and disgraceful.
*.You do not concern yourself in making the creator angry by pleasing
the creation. In exchange for Worldly mansions and building you
destroy your hereafter. Very soon you will be caught. He will
definitely catch you whose imprisonment is very, very fearful.
*.What, you do not become ashamed ordering him to change your fate?
Are your more commanding, more just and merciful than him? You and the
entire creation are his servants. It becomes compulsory upon you to
adopt, peace, solitude and silence.
*.Saying without deeds and deeds without sincerity are not worthy of acceptance.
*.A person once came to the Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam and
said that he loves him (SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam) very much. The
Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam said to him "lay down a cloth or
spread a cloth for Poverty." Another person said that he loves Allah
SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala , The Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam said
"spread a cloth for misfortune, for the love of Allah SubHanuhu wa
Ta'ala and the Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam is intertwined with
poverty and misfortunes."
*.You are busy accumulating that which you would not be able to eat.
You desire for that which you cannot attain. Construct those buildings
in which you will not stay. All this makes you blind to the status of
your creator.
*.Be happy in the changes and choices that the creator made for you.
If you stay in this manner with him then he will definitely change
your fears and horrors.
*.Adopt patience for this World is an assembly of troubles and calamities.
*.When somebody approaches carrying tales or gossiping or informing
you about what another has said to him about you then admonish him and
tell him that he is worst than that person that was gossiping about
you for that person spoke behind your back while he is telling it
straight to your face. That person has not made you listen yet he made
you listen to it.
*.What an unfortunate person is he who had not been given the habit of
being merciful in his heart for all living things?
*.Your biggest enemies are those that are your biggest supporters.
*.The sum total of all the essence of good is to seek knowledge,
practice upon it and teaching it to somebody.
to attack him, I know. I will save him.
*.Look towards that person who looks towards you. Love that person
that loves you, listen to that person that listens to you and give
your hands in his hands that are prepared to grasp it.
*.A mans position in life is such that though he is mortal he is
reborn with pleasure in the winds of afflictions. It is that very same
life whose consequence is not death. It is that very same comfort
which has no extreme anguish.
*.That person who has enmity against a well to do companion, he
totally rejects the wisdom and foresight of the sustainers.
*.Many wealthy people because of greed are poor and needy, in reality
the brave person is he who wrestles and defeats the devil of greed and
thereafter becomes independent and without want of need from this
material World.
*.The person who backbites and speaks ill of us are actually our
success because they pay homage to us by writing their good deeds into
our deed books.
*.Look carefully at the previous graves lying in ruin. How the sands
of beautiful people are turning bad.
*.If you do not find the sweetness of doing a good deed then be aware
that you have not done that deed.
*.Disrespect earns the displeasure of the creator and the creation.
*.To please the enemies of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala is beyond
comprehension and wisdom.
*.O! Gifts do not imprison me so that I become unmindful to the benefactor.
*.O! Doers of good deeds giving birth to sincerity in your deeds can
never be a wasted effort.
*.Among the creation, silence is not bravery but rather impatience.
*.The person who cannot educate his own soul, then how is he going to
educate others.
*.The love of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala and the Prophet SallAllaho
Alaihi wa Sallam is intertwined in poverty and starvation.
*.The love of the World generally blinded the eyes, those eyes which
should have been used to identify the specialties of the Almighty
*.The person who becomes aware of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala then he
becomes hospitable towards the creation.
*.Preach only in accordance to religion otherwise remaining dumb is better.
*.To adopt anonymity and unwholesomeness relative to it is peaceful.
*.As long as there remains on this earth one person in your heart whom
you fear or have high expectations of, then until then your Faith is
not complete.
*.Until you still possess arrogance and anger you cannot classify
yourself amongst the learned.
*.That sustenance whose extent is expansive but no thanks is given for
it and that means of livelihood which is difficult but no patience is
shown for it become a source of revolt and mischief.
*.Always hold the best opinions about others and think ill of yourself.
*.O! 'Alim do not soil your knowledge by sitting in the company of
Worldly people.
*.Your speech will tell what is in your heart.
*.An oppressor destroys the World of the oppressed, and his own in the
*.To start something good is your job and to see it completed is the
work of your creator.
*.A wise person first question his heart thereafter speaks with his mouth.
*.To remain alone is protection and safety and to every sin there is a
period of execution.
*.Except for the needs of your children and family do not leave the
house unnecessarily.
*.Endeavor not to start a conversation and your speaking becomes
necessary only to answer a question.
*.Keep your mouth closed from answering unnecessary questions so that
you can remain safe from unnecessary talk.
*.That person who is never distressed, has no virtue.
*.Material people chase the World while the World chases the friends
of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala .
*.This World is a World of exertion for a Mo'min while the hereafter
is a World of relaxation.
*.Suspicion closes all the benefits to be accrued.
*.An understanding person finds no joy in anything, for it has
accountability, for being lawful or a punishment for it being
*.To make the soul receive the truth is its existence while making it
receive failures, errors, falsehood and wrongdoings is its
*.Those who belong to Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala carry out his commands
and even their hearts are reinforced by it. You carry on committing
sin then to you have no fear. This is obvious evidence of betrayal.
Beware; safeguard yourself for you may be caught out unawares when
your allotted time is up.
*.A disrespectful becomes the object of displeasure and wrath of both
the creator and the creation.
*.Iman (Faith) is the root while deeds and actions are its branches.
Therefore stay away from associating with your Iman and sin with your
*.First there is ignorance, thereafter knowledge, then follows
practice upon your knowledge, thereafter sincerity upon that action
and finally comes understanding and wisdom in the heart.
*.If you do not have patience then poverty and sicknesses become a
misfortune and if you adopt patience then it becomes nobility and
*.To gain the happiness of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala is impossible if
you cannot make a poor person happy. The treatment for afflictions
upon oneself is to gain the happiness and pleasure of the poor.
*.Whosoever asks of the creation is blind to the doors of the creator.
*.You are busy in fulfilling the desires and wishes of the soul (nafs)
while the nafs is busy in destroying you.
*.That person is close to Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala who is kind and
affectionate towards the creation.
*.Rejection (kufr) of the divine blessings and providence is contrary
to achieving closeness to the truth.
*.Hundreds of thousands of people just like you have been fattened and
then swallowed by this World.
*.Do not be fooled by your youthful appearance for very soon it would
be taken away from you.
*.Poverty saves one from sin and wealth is a trap for sins regard
poverty as your protector.
*.To make a poor person happy makes one the inheritor of and
undisclosed amount of reward.
*.What are you going to do by taking the bounties? Take the merciful
and compassionate one. Every pious person is from the progeny and
following of Muhammad SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam.
*.He whose fate is ultimately death then what is the need for happiness.
*.People do not regard you with respect because you are proud and vain
but rather they look up to you when you are polite and hospitable.
*.Keep your hearts open only for Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala and to busy
yourself in earning a means of livelihood for your family is also
following the commands.
*.To remember death is the best treatment for all ailments.
*.Worship and prayers breaks unwanted habits and should not be but a habit only.
*.The person who wishes to tame his soul should bridle it with silence
and good etiquettes.
*.Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala asks a loan of his servants and the
messengers of this are the beggars.
*.For the whole period I spent in the companionship of my sheikh
(spiritual guide) I have never seen the whiteness of his teeth.
*.Whenever it is possible reform each morsel for the foundations of
good deeds lies in it.
*.The creation are like children in relation to the saints of Allah
SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala .
*.It is a lie if one says by sitting in the company of those women
with whom relationships are lawful and young boys; one has absolutely
no inclination towards them. Islamic principles (Shari'ah) is neither
definitely not in agreement nor does a sound mind allow for such
conformities and this is total rejection of Shariat for Shari'ah has
never given anyone exemption from this.
*.When the angels do not enter a house in which there are images
pictures then how do you expect Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala to enter
your heart which is full of thousands of statues and idols. Anything
else besides Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala presence in the heart is images
and idols.
*.A visit to the pious person communicates the condition of the person.
*.The key to the closeness to the truth is in private consultations
and journeys.
*.Do not become subservient to the gifts in such a manner that you
forget the bestowal of the gifts.
*.The provisions and luggage undoubtedly is modesty, such that,
because of it, the doors of sovereignty and reality seem closed.
*.It is not becoming of a mo'min to sleep until he has kept his will
and testimony ready.
*.The obedience of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala is by asking and not by desiring.
*.You are busy in building mansions and palaces for others to stay in
while; its accountability rests entirely on you.
*.O! Children of Adam Alaihis Salaam be modest towards Allah SubHanuhu
wa Ta'ala as you would be modest towards your religious neighbor.
*.When a person commits a sin, he closes the doors, draws the veils
and hides from the creation and goes against the commands of the
creator in private, and then the creator says, O! Son of Adam Alaihis
Salaam you have regarded me the least amongst those that can see you
because you found it necessary to hide yourself from the creation yet
you have not shown modesty and shame even equivalent to that of the
creation towards me.
*.It is not beneficial to be a master at speech when you are immature at heart.
*.Be obedient with a direction; don't become obedient to the masses.
*.Do not become a polytheist by regarding your wealth as absolute and
total power of assistance.
*.O! You who make fun of others very soon you will know the answer to
your own fate.
*.O! Munafiqa (Hypocrites) very soon you will see the punishment of
Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala descending upon you in this World and the
hereafter. The times are pregnant and very soon you will see what it
gives birth to.
*.Your actions are proof of your belief and your exterior appearance
is a sign of your interior condition.
*.To turn your face towards the creation is to turn your back towards
Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala .
*.Empty desires are the jungle of stupidity and folly and only the
foolish hustle and bustle aimlessly within it.
*.Make silence your habit, anonymity you clothing, escape from the
creation your aim and if it is possible then dig the hole and sit down
in it. This habit should stay with you until such time that you Iman
(Faith) has reached an age of maturity and is unquestionable.
*.Those that wish the approval of the creation should show patience of
the oppression of the created.
*.Do not turn away from the creator because of some misfortune,
because he may be testing you with it.
*.Moderation is half of one's sustenance (livelihood) and good manners
is half of religion (Deen).
*.O Doers of good deeds! Adopt sincerity otherwise it is wasted effort.
*.If you are afraid of your destination then whichever way or wherever
you look at, you will find that you are surrounded by ferocious
*.Good deeds are done in privacy and not in public except that which
is Fard (compulsory) which is performed in exposure.
*.Everything that you rely on, every person you afraid of or you keep
that trust in, becomes your God.
*.1. Special testimony 2. Making the commands of Allah SubHanuhu wa
Ta'ala compulsory upon yourself 3. Not to fear or trust anyone 4. To
make all your needs aware only to Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala and put
your Faith in him, To ask of him alone and never put your trust in
anyone except Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala .
*.A seeker is not truthful until he places the needs of sustenance of
his companions over and above the sustenance of his soul and desires.
*.Remain honourable among the people, for by revealing your poverty
you will fall in status in their eyes.
*.Meet the wealthy and rich with dignity ad prevalence and the poor
with humility and humbleness.
*.Your keeping the company of careless and negligent people is a sigh
of your carelessness and negligence.
*.To love of the creations is in its well wishing.
*.To give is better than to receive.
*.That person who is generous with the creation then he is close to
Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala .
*.A residence that is fit to be called a house, clothes that cover the
body, a stomach full of sustenance and a wife is not regarded as
Worldly but to face towards the Worldly while showing your back to
your creator is Worldly.
*.Even if you have said Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala aloud, then even
then you would be interrogated whether it was said in sincerity or in
*.When the remembrance of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala finds a place in
the heart then for servant to remember Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala
continuously becomes continuous and everlasting even though the lips
are closed.
*.Carry out the rights that the ruler has upon you and do not question
that which is obligatory upon you.
*.There is greater dignity in the remembrance of Allah SubHanuhu wa
Ta'ala than in death; at the time of cutting someone short by razing
them to the ground and thereafter realising it was fruitless to sow
the seeds of hate.
*.Hide your troubles and you will receive closeness to Allah SubHanuhu
wa Ta'ala .
*.A mo'min leaves his family in the care of the creator while a
munaafiq leaves his family in the care of his dirham and dinaars
*.There are 3 types of creation 1. Angels 2. The Devil 3. Man. The
Angels are entirely good and the devil is entirely bad. Man is a
mixture of good and bad. Whoever is overcome with good he can be
likened to an Angel and whoever is overcome with evil he can be
likened to the devil.
*.Do not laugh with those that are laughing but cry with those that are crying.
*.If your thoughts are with the creator then you are subservient to
the creator. If your thoughts are with the creation then you are
subservient to the creation.
*.Give priority to the hereafter over the World and you will benefit
in both, but priority is given to the World over the hereafter then
you would suffer losses in both.
*.Do not spend even one night in the hate and malice of anybody.
*.The sign of your sincerity is that you praise the creation and you
do not turn your attention towards derogatory remarks nor do you show
greed and avarice towards their wealth but you give your lord his
right and your deeds are for your benefactor and not for the gifts,
for the king and not for the kingdom and for the truth and not for
*.As long as the doors of good health are open to you then regard it
as a blessing for very soon it will be closed upon you. So as long as
you have the strength and power to do good deeds regard it as a
*.It is wrong to claim respect towards your creator as long as you
have no respect whatsoever for his creation.
*.When an 'Alim is not an ascetic then, he is a punishment upon those
that follow him.
*.A Mu'min, as he grows older Faith becomes stronger.
*.To search for good fortune is an unnecessary trouble and to search
for that which is not your destiny is to anger Allah SubHanuhu wa
Ta'ala and disgraceful.
*.You do not concern yourself in making the creator angry by pleasing
the creation. In exchange for Worldly mansions and building you
destroy your hereafter. Very soon you will be caught. He will
definitely catch you whose imprisonment is very, very fearful.
*.What, you do not become ashamed ordering him to change your fate?
Are your more commanding, more just and merciful than him? You and the
entire creation are his servants. It becomes compulsory upon you to
adopt, peace, solitude and silence.
*.Saying without deeds and deeds without sincerity are not worthy of acceptance.
*.A person once came to the Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam and
said that he loves him (SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam) very much. The
Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam said to him "lay down a cloth or
spread a cloth for Poverty." Another person said that he loves Allah
SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala , The Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam said
"spread a cloth for misfortune, for the love of Allah SubHanuhu wa
Ta'ala and the Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam is intertwined with
poverty and misfortunes."
*.You are busy accumulating that which you would not be able to eat.
You desire for that which you cannot attain. Construct those buildings
in which you will not stay. All this makes you blind to the status of
your creator.
*.Be happy in the changes and choices that the creator made for you.
If you stay in this manner with him then he will definitely change
your fears and horrors.
*.Adopt patience for this World is an assembly of troubles and calamities.
*.When somebody approaches carrying tales or gossiping or informing
you about what another has said to him about you then admonish him and
tell him that he is worst than that person that was gossiping about
you for that person spoke behind your back while he is telling it
straight to your face. That person has not made you listen yet he made
you listen to it.
*.What an unfortunate person is he who had not been given the habit of
being merciful in his heart for all living things?
*.Your biggest enemies are those that are your biggest supporters.
*.The sum total of all the essence of good is to seek knowledge,
practice upon it and teaching it to somebody.
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